Robert Robinson
Robert Robinson
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Is trust in others declining in America? An age–period–cohort analysis
RV Robinson, EF Jackson
Social Science Research 30 (1), 117-145, 2001
Equality, success, and social justice in England and the United States
RV Robinson, W Bell
American Sociological Review, 125-143, 1978
Class as conceived by Marx and Dahrendorf: Effects on income inequality and politics in the United States and Great Britain
RV Robinson, J Kelley
American Sociological Review, 38-58, 1979
Men's and women's consciousness of gender inequality: Austria, West Germany, Great Britain, and the United States
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
American Sociological Review, 72-84, 1991
Are the rumors of war exaggerated? Religious orthodoxy and moral progressivism in America
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
American Journal of Sociology 102 (3), 756-787, 1996
Class reproduction among men and women in France: Reproduction theory on its home ground
RV Robinson, MA Garnier
American journal of sociology 91 (2), 250-280, 1985
The egalitarian face of Islamic orthodoxy: Support for Islamic law and economic justice in seven Muslim-majority nations
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
American Sociological Review 71 (2), 167-190, 2006
Class Identification of Men and Women in the 1970s and 1980s
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
American Sociological Review, 103-112, 1988
Claiming society for god: Religious movements and social welfare in Egypt, Israel, Italy, and the United States
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
Indiana University Press, 2012
Reproducing class relations in industrial capitalism
RV Robinson
American Sociological Review, 182-196, 1984
Religious orthodoxy in American society: The myth of a monolithic camp
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 229-245, 1996
Their brothers' keepers? Orthodox religionists, modernists, and economic justice in Europe
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
American Journal of Sociology 104 (6), 1631-1665, 1999
Cognitive maps of class and racial inequalities in England and the United States
W Bell, RV Robinson
American Journal of Sociology 86 (2), 320-349, 1980
Explaining perceptions of class and racial inequality in England and the United States of America
RV Robinson
British Journal of Sociology, 344-366, 1983
Moral cosmology, religion, and adult values for children
B Starks, RV Robinson
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46 (1), 17-35, 2007
A war for America’s soul? The American religious landscape
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
Cultural wars in American politics, 39-61, 1997
Review of Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values
RV Robinson
Work and Occupations 10 (1), 110-115, 1983
Two approaches to religion and politics: Moral cosmology and subcultural identity
B Starks, RV Robinson
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48 (4), 650-669, 2009
Who values the obedient child now? The religious factor in adult values for children, 1986–2002
B Starks, RV Robinson
Social forces 84 (1), 343-359, 2005
Do wives matter? Class identities of wives and husbands in the United States, 1974–1994
NJ Davis, RV Robinson
Social Forces 76 (3), 1063-1086, 1998
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