Javier Asensio-Cubero
Javier Asensio-Cubero
Ph.D Student at University of Essex
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Multiresolution analysis over simple graphs for brain computer interfaces
J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, R Palaniappan
Journal of neural engineering 10 (4), 046014, 2013
Multiresolution analysis over graphs for a motor imagery based online BCI game
J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, R Palaniappan
Computers in biology and medicine 68, 21-26, 2016
Classification of motor imagery tasks for BCI with multiresolution analysis and multiobjective feature selection
J Ortega, J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, A Ortiz
BioMedical Engineering OnLine 15, 149-164, 2016
A supervised filter method for multi-objective feature selection in EEG classification based on multi-resolution analysis for BCI
P Martín-Smith, J Ortega, J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, A Ortiz
Neurocomputing 250, 45-56, 2017
Extracting optimal tempo-spatial features using local discriminant bases and common spatial patterns for brain computer interfacing
J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, R Palaniappan
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8 (6), 772-778, 2013
BMML: braille music markup language
B Encelle, N Jessel, J Mothe, B Ralalason, J Asensio
The Open Information Systems Journal 3 (1), 2009
A study on temporal segmentation strategies for extracting common spatial patterns for brain computer interfacing
J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, R Palaniappan
The 11th Annual Workshop on Computational Intelligence, 2011
A label-aided filter method for multi-objective feature selection in EEG classification for BCI
P Martín-Smith, J Ortega, J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, A Ortiz
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 13th International Work-Conference …, 2015
A social and emotional model for obtaining believable emergent behaviors
J Asensio, M Jiménez, S Fernández, D Borrajo
Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, 395-399, 2008
Evolutionary multiobjective feature selection in multiresolution analysis for BCI
J Ortega, J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, A Ortiz
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: Third International Conference …, 2015
Extracting common spatial patterns based on wavelet lifting for brain computer interface design
J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, R Palaniappan
4th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, 2012
Multiresolution Analysis Over Graphs for Brain Computer Interfacing
J Asensio-Cubero
University of Essex, 2014
Wavelet design by means of multi-objective GAs for motor imagery EEG analysis
J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, R Palaniappan
5th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2011
A Comparison of Ensemble Methods for Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces
D Valeriani, A Matran-Fernandez, D Perez-Liebana, J Asensio-Cubero, ...
Multiresolution analysis of an information based EEG graph representation for motor imagery brain computer interfaces
J Asensio-Cubero, JQ Gan, R Palaniappan
International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS2014), 2014
Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXML
NB Jessel, JA Cubero
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Articles 1–16