Concetta Pastorelli
Concetta Pastorelli
Sapienza Università di Roma Italia
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Mechanisms of moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency.
A Bandura, C Barbaranelli, GV Caprara, C Pastorelli
Journal of personality and social psychology 71 (2), 364, 1996
Multifaceted impact of self‐efficacy beliefs on academic functioning
A Bandura, C Barbaranelli, GV Caprara, C Pastorelli
Child development 67 (3), 1206-1222, 1996
Self‐efficacy beliefs as shapers of children's aspirations and career trajectories
A Bandura, C Barbaranelli, GV Caprara, C Pastorelli
Child development 72 (1), 187-206, 2001
Role of affective self‐regulatory efficacy in diverse spheres of psychosocial functioning
A Bandura, GV Caprara, C Barbaranelli, M Gerbino, C Pastorelli
Child development 74 (3), 769-782, 2003
Prosocial foundations of children's academic achievement
GV Caprara, C Barbaranelli, C Pastorelli, A Bandura, PG Zimbardo
Psychological science 11 (4), 302-306, 2000
Self-efficacy pathways to childhood depression.
A Bandura, C Pastorelli, C Barbaranelli, GV Caprara
Journal of Personality and social Psychology 76 (2), 258, 1999
Sociocognitive self-regulatory mechanisms governing transgressive behavior.
A Bandura, GV Caprara, C Barbaranelli, C Pastorelli, C Regalia
Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (1), 125, 2001
Physical discipline and children's adjustment: Cultural normativeness as a moderator
JE Lansford, L Chang, KA Dodge, PS Malone, P Oburu, K Palmérus, ...
Child development 76 (6), 1234-1246, 2005
A questionnaire for measuring the Big Five in late childhood
C Barbaranelli, GV Caprara, A Rabasca, C Pastorelli
Personality and individual differences 34 (4), 645-664, 2003
Early emotional instability, prosocial behaviour, and aggression: Some methodological aspects
GV Caprara, C Pastorelli
European Journal of personality 7 (1), 19-36, 1993
Assessing regulatory emotional self-efficacy in three countries.
GV Caprara, L Di Giunta, N Eisenberg, M Gerbino, C Pastorelli, ...
Psychological assessment 20 (3), 227, 2008
The structure of children's perceived self-efficacy: A cross-national study.
C Pastorelli, GV Caprara, C Barbaranelli, J Rola, S Rozsa, A Bandura
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 17 (2), 87, 2001
Around the world, adolescence is a time of heightened sensation seeking and immature self‐regulation
L Steinberg, G Icenogle, EP Shulman, K Breiner, J Chein, D Bacchini, ...
Developmental science 21 (2), e12532, 2018
Age patterns in risk taking across the world
N Duell, L Steinberg, G Icenogle, J Chein, N Chaudhary, L Di Giunta, ...
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 1052-1072, 2018
Boys’ and girls’ relational and physical aggression in nine countries
JE Lansford, AT Skinner, E Sorbring, LD Giunta, K Deater‐Deckard, ...
Aggressive behavior 38 (4), 298-308, 2012
Corporal punishment, maternal warmth, and child adjustment: A longitudinal study in eight countries
JE Lansford, C Sharma, PS Malone, D Woodlief, KA Dodge, P Oburu, ...
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 43 (4), 670-685, 2014
Positive effects of promoting prosocial behavior in early adolescence: Evidence from a school-based intervention
GV Caprara, BPL Kanacri, M Gerbino, A Zuffiano, G Alessandri, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Development 38 (4), 386-396, 2014
Multi-faceted self-efficacy beliefs as predictors of life satisfaction in late adolescence
GM Vecchio, M Gerbino, C Pastorelli, G Del Bove, GV Caprara
Personality and Individual differences 43 (7), 1807-1818, 2007
Corporal punishment of children in nine countries as a function of child gender and parent gender
JE Lansford, LP Alampay, S Al-Hassan, D Bacchini, AS Bombi, ...
International journal of pediatrics 2010 (1), 672780, 2010
Impact of adolescents' filial self‐efficacy on quality of family functioning and satisfaction
GV Caprara, C Pastorelli, C Regalia, E Scabini, A Bandura
Journal of research on adolescence 15 (1), 71-97, 2005
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