Mechanically coupled ears for directional hearing in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea RN Miles, D Robert, RR Hoy The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 98 (6), 3059-3070, 1995 | 400 | 1995 |
Harmonic convergence in the love songs of the dengue vector mosquito LJ Cator, BJ Arthur, LC Harrington, RR Hoy Science 323 (5917), 1077-1079, 2009 | 356 | 2009 |
Steering responses of flying crickets to sound and ultrasound: mate attraction and predator avoidance A Moiseff, GS Pollack, RR Hoy Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 75 (8), 4052-4056, 1978 | 291 | 1978 |
Initiation of behavior by single neurons: the role of behavioral context TG Nolen, RR Hoy Science 226 (4677), 992-994, 1984 | 288 | 1984 |
The Role of Neurohormonal Octopamine During ‘Fight or Flight’ Behaviour in the Field Cricket Gryllus Bimaculatus SA Adamo, CE Linn, RR Hoy Journal of experimental Biology 198 (8), 1691-1700, 1995 | 285 | 1995 |
Genetic control of the neuronal network generating cricket (Teleogryllus gryllus) song patterns DR Bentley, RR Hoy Animal Behaviour 20 (3), 478-492, 1972 | 278 | 1972 |
Categorical perception of sound frequency by crickets RA Wyttenbach, ML May, RR Hoy Science 273 (5281), 1542-1544, 1996 | 266 | 1996 |
Tympanal hearing in insects RR Hoy, D Robert Annual review of entomology 41 (1), 433-450, 1996 | 264 | 1996 |
Regeneration in crustacean motoneurons: evidence for axonal fusion RR Hoy, GD Bittner, D Kennedy Science 156 (3772), 251-252, 1967 | 244 | 1967 |
The evolutionary convergence of hearing in a parasitoid fly and its cricket host D Robert, J Amoroso, RR Hoy Science 258 (5085), 1135-1137, 1992 | 234 | 1992 |
Agonistic behaviour in male and female field crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus, and how behavioural context influences its expression SA Adamo, RR Hoy Animal Behaviour 49 (6), 1491-1501, 1995 | 229 | 1995 |
Hybrid cricket auditory behavior: evidence for genetic coupling in animal communication RR Hoy, J Hahn, RC Paul Science 195 (4273), 82-84, 1977 | 225 | 1977 |
Genetic control of song specificity in crickets RR Hoy, RC Paul Science 180 (4081), 82-83, 1973 | 203 | 1973 |
Directional hearing by mechanical coupling in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea D Robert, RN Miles, RR Hoy Journal of Comparative Physiology A 179, 29-44, 1996 | 172 | 1996 |
Temperature coupling in cricket acoustic communication: II. Localization of temperature effects on song production and recognition networks in Gryllus firmus A Pires, RR Hoy Journal of Comparative Physiology A 171, 79-92, 1992 | 171* | 1992 |
The neurobiology of cricket song D Bentley, RR Hoy Scientific American 231 (2), 34-45, 1974 | 165 | 1974 |
Temporal pattern as a cue for species-specific calling song recognition in crickets GS Pollack, RR Hoy Science 204 (4391), 429-432, 1979 | 162 | 1979 |
Postembryonic development of adult motor patterns in crickets: a neural analysis DR Bentley, RR Hoy Science 170 (3965), 1409-1411, 1970 | 162 | 1970 |
Seismic signals in a courting male jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae) DO Elias, AC Mason, WP Maddison, RR Hoy Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (22), 4029-4039, 2003 | 153 | 2003 |
The evolution of hearing in insects as an adaptation to predation from bats RR Hoy The evolutionary biology of hearing, 115-129, 1992 | 142 | 1992 |