Hybrid robust and stochastic optimization for closed-loop supply chain network design using accelerated Benders decomposition E Keyvanshokooh, SM Ryan, E Kabir European journal of operational research 249 (1), 76-92, 2016 | 341 | 2016 |
Optimal price and quantity of refurbished products J Vorasayan, SM Ryan Production and Operations Management 15 (3), 369-383, 2006 | 293 | 2006 |
A multiperiod generalized network flow model of the US integrated energy system: Part I—Model description A Quelhas, E Gil, JD McCalley, SM Ryan IEEE transactions on power systems 22 (2), 829-836, 2007 | 291 | 2007 |
On the validity of the geometric Brownian motion assumption RR Marathe, SM Ryan The Engineering Economist 50 (2), 159-192, 2005 | 233 | 2005 |
Obtaining lower bounds from the progressive hedging algorithm for stochastic mixed-integer programs D Gade, G Hackebeil, SM Ryan, JP Watson, RJB Wets, DL Woodruff Mathematical Programming 157, 47-67, 2016 | 227 | 2016 |
Closed-loop supply chain network design with multiple transportation modes under stochastic demand and uncertain carbon tax A Haddadsisakht, SM Ryan International journal of production economics 195, 118-131, 2018 | 223 | 2018 |
Optimizing service restoration in distribution systems with uncertain repair time and demand A Arif, S Ma, Z Wang, J Wang, SM Ryan, C Chen IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (6), 6828-6838, 2018 | 196 | 2018 |
Scenario construction and reduction applied to stochastic power generation expansion planning Y Feng, SM Ryan Computers & Operations Research 40 (1), 9-23, 2013 | 185 | 2013 |
A tri-level model of centralized transmission and decentralized generation expansion planning for an electricity market—Part I S Jin, SM Ryan IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (1), 132-141, 2013 | 160 | 2013 |
Modeling and solving a large-scale generation expansion planning problem under uncertainty S Jin, SM Ryan, JP Watson, DL Woodruff Energy Systems 2, 209-242, 2011 | 149 | 2011 |
Toward scalable, parallel progressive hedging for stochastic unit commitment SM Ryan, RJB Wets, DL Woodruff, C Silva-Monroy, JP Watson 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2013 | 147 | 2013 |
Identification and treatment of offenders with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the prison population: a practical approach based upon expert consensus S Young, G Gudjonsson, P Chitsabesan, B Colley, E Farrag, A Forrester, ... Bmc Psychiatry 18, 1-16, 2018 | 144 | 2018 |
A Markov decision model to evaluate outsourcing in reverse logistics MA Serrato, SM Ryan, J Gaytán International Journal of Production Research 45 (18-19), 4289-4315, 2007 | 116 | 2007 |
Capacity expansion for random exponential demand growth with lead times SM Ryan Management science 50 (6), 740-748, 2004 | 105 | 2004 |
Toward scalable stochastic unit commitment: Part 2: solver configuration and performance assessment K Cheung, D Gade, C Silva-Monroy, SM Ryan, JP Watson, RJB Wets, ... Energy Systems 6, 417-438, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
Temporal versus stochastic granularity in thermal generation capacity planning with wind power S Jin, A Botterud, SM Ryan IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (5), 2033-2041, 2014 | 93 | 2014 |
Solution sensitivity-based scenario reduction for stochastic unit commitment Y Feng, SM Ryan Computational Management Science 13, 29-62, 2016 | 82 | 2016 |
Attention bias modification treatment for adolescents with social anxiety disorder TH Ollendick, SW White, J Richey, J Kim-Spoon, SM Ryan, ... Behavior therapy 50 (1), 126-139, 2019 | 75 | 2019 |
Impact of demand response on thermal generation investment with high wind penetration S Jin, A Botterud, SM Ryan IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (4), 2374-2383, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
Determining inventory levels in a CONWIP controlled job shop SM Ryan, B Baynat, FF Choobineh IIE transactions 32, 105-114, 2000 | 71 | 2000 |