Oleksii Kuchaiev
Oleksii Kuchaiev
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Mixed precision training
P Micikevicius, S Narang, J Alben, G Diamos, E Elsen, D Garcia, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.03740, 2017
An introduction to computational networks and the computational network toolkit
A Agarwal, E Akchurin, C Basoglu, G Chen, S Cyphers, J Droppo, ...
Tech. Rep. MSR-TR-2014-112, 2014
Topological network alignment uncovers biological function and phylogeny
O Kuchaiev, T Milenković, V Memišević, W Hayes, N Pržulj
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 (50), 1341-1354, 2010
An introduction to computational networks and the computational network toolkit
D Yu, A Eversole, M Seltzer, K Yao, Z Huang, B Guenter, O Kuchaiev, ...
Microsoft Technical Report MSR-TR-2014–112, 2014
Quartznet: Deep automatic speech recognition with 1d time-channel separable convolutions
S Kriman, S Beliaev, B Ginsburg, J Huang, O Kuchaiev, V Lavrukhin, ...
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Integrative network alignment reveals large regions of global network similarity in yeast and human
O Kuchaiev, N Pržulj
Bioinformatics 27 (10), 1390-1396, 2011
Jasper: An end-to-end convolutional neural acoustic model
J Li, V Lavrukhin, B Ginsburg, R Leary, O Kuchaiev, JM Cohen, H Nguyen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.03288, 2019
Nemo: a toolkit for building ai applications using neural modules
O Kuchaiev, J Li, H Nguyen, O Hrinchuk, R Leary, B Ginsburg, S Kriman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09577, 2019
Geometric de-noising of protein-protein interaction networks
O Kuchaiev, M Rašajski, DJ Higham, N Pržulj
PLoS computational biology 5 (8), e1000454, 2009
Factorization tricks for LSTM networks
O Kuchaiev, B Ginsburg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10722, 2017
Training deep autoencoders for collaborative filtering
O Kuchaiev, B Ginsburg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.01715, 2017
Stochastic gradient methods with layer-wise adaptive moments for training of deep networks
B Ginsburg, P Castonguay, O Hrinchuk, O Kuchaiev, V Lavrukhin, R Leary, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.11286, 2019
GraphCrunch 2: software tool for network modeling, alignment and clustering
O Kuchaiev, A Stevanović, W Hayes, N Pržulj
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-13, 2011
Geometric evolutionary dynamics of protein interaction networks
N Pržulj, O Kuchaiev, A Stevanović, W Hayes
Biocomputing 2010, 178-189, 2010
Mixed-precision training for nlp and speech recognition with openseq2seq
O Kuchaiev, B Ginsburg, I Gitman, V Lavrukhin, J Li, H Nguyen, C Case, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.10387, 2018
Shall we pretrain autoregressive language models with retrieval? a comprehensive study
B Wang, W Ping, P Xu, L McAfee, Z Liu, M Shoeybi, Y Dong, O Kuchaiev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.06762, 2023
Mixed precision training. arXiv 2017
P Micikevicius, S Narang, J Alben, G Diamos, E Elsen, D García, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.03740, 2017
Openseq2seq: extensible toolkit for distributed and mixed precision training of sequence-to-sequence models
O Kuchaiev, B Ginsburg, I Gitman, V Lavrukhin, C Case, P Micikevicius
Proceedings of Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS), 41-46, 2018
Spgispeech: 5,000 hours of transcribed financial audio for fully formatted end-to-end speech recognition
PK O'Neill, V Lavrukhin, S Majumdar, V Noroozi, Y Zhang, O Kuchaiev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.02014, 2021
Learning the structure of protein-protein interaction networks
O Kuchaiev, N PRŽULJ
Biocomputing 2009, 39-50, 2009
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Articles 1–20