A comprehensive survey: artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm and applications D Karaboga, B Gorkemli, C Ozturk, N Karaboga Artificial intelligence review 42, 21-57, 2014 | 2135 | 2014 |
A novel clustering approach: Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm D Karaboga, C Ozturk Applied soft computing 11 (1), 652-657, 2011 | 1389 | 2011 |
Enhancing source-location privacy in sensor network routing P Kamat, Y Zhang, W Trappe, C Ozturk 25th IEEE international conference on distributed computing systems (ICDCS …, 2005 | 787 | 2005 |
Artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization algorithm for training feed-forward neural networks D Karaboga, B Akay, C Ozturk Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 4th International Conference …, 2007 | 635 | 2007 |
Source-location privacy in energy-constrained sensor network routing C Ozturk, Y Zhang, W Trappe Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Security of Ad hoc and Sensor …, 2004 | 545 | 2004 |
Cluster based wireless sensor network routing using artificial bee colony algorithm D Karaboga, S Okdem, C Ozturk Wireless Networks 18, 847-860, 2012 | 476 | 2012 |
Neural networks training by artificial bee colony algorithm on pattern classification D Karaboga, C Ozturk Neural Network World 19 (3), 279, 2009 | 263 | 2009 |
Artificial bee colony programming for symbolic regression D Karaboga, C Ozturk, N Karaboga, B Gorkemli Information Sciences 209, 1-15, 2012 | 244 | 2012 |
Hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for neural network training C Ozturk, D Karaboga 2011 IEEE congress of evolutionary computation (CEC), 84-88, 2011 | 212 | 2011 |
Probabilistic dynamic deployment of wireless sensor networks by artificial bee colony algorithm C Ozturk, D Karaboga, B Gorkemli sensors 11 (6), 6056-6065, 2011 | 205 | 2011 |
A novel binary artificial bee colony algorithm based on genetic operators C Ozturk, E Hancer, D Karaboga Information Sciences 297, 154-170, 2015 | 192 | 2015 |
Dynamic clustering with improved binary artificial bee colony algorithm C Ozturk, E Hancer, D Karaboga Applied Soft Computing 28, 69-80, 2015 | 187 | 2015 |
Artificial bee colony algorithm for dynamic deployment of wireless sensor networks C Öztürk, D Karaboğa, B Görkemli Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 20 (2), 255-262, 2012 | 170 | 2012 |
Fuzzy clustering with artificial bee colony algorithm D Karaboga, C Ozturk Scientific research and Essays 5 (14), 1899-1902, 2010 | 147 | 2010 |
An application of wireless sensor network routing based on artificial bee colony algorithm S Okdem, D Karaboga, C Ozturk 2011 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 326-330, 2011 | 92 | 2011 |
Artificial bee colony based image clustering method E Hancer, C Ozturk, D Karaboga 2012 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 1-5, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Improved clustering criterion for image clustering with artificial bee colony algorithm C Ozturk, E Hancer, D Karaboga Pattern Analysis and Applications 18, 587-599, 2015 | 69 | 2015 |
Color image quantization: a short review and an application with artificial bee colony algorithm C Ozturk, E Hancer, D Karaboga Informatica 25 (3), 485-503, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Source-location privacy for networks of energy-constrained sensors C Ozturk, Y Zhang, W Trappe, M Ott Second IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and …, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
Prediction of electricity energy consumption of Turkey via artificial bee colony: a case study F Gürbüz, C Öztürk, P Pardalos Energy Systems 4, 289-300, 2013 | 60 | 2013 |