Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde
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Cited by
Restitution of mass-size residuals: validating body condition indices
AI Schulte-Hostedde, B Zinner, JS Millar, GJ Hickling
Ecology 86 (1), 155-163, 2005
Evaluating body condition in small mammals
AI Schulte-Hostedde, JS Millar, GJ Hickling
Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (6), 1021-1029, 2001
Sperm swimming speed and energetics vary with sperm competition risk in bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)
G Burness, SJ Casselman, AI Schulte-Hostedde, CD Moyes, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56 (1), 65-70, 2004
Sperm quality influences male fertilization success in walleye (Sander vitreus)
SJ Casselman, AI Schulte-Hostedde, R Montgomerie
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (9), 2119-2125, 2006
Intraspecific variation of testis size and sperm length in the yellow-pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus): implications for sperm competition and reproductive success
AI Schulte-Hostedde, JS Millar
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55 (3), 272-277, 2004
Hybridization between escaped domestic and wild American mink (Neovison vison)
AG Kidd, J Bowman, D Lesbarreres, AI SCHULTE‐HOSTEDDE
Molecular ecology 18 (6), 1175-1186, 2009
Effects of the captive and wild environment on diversity of the gut microbiome of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
E Schmidt, N Mykytczuk, AI Schulte-Hostedde
The ISME journal 13 (5), 1293-1305, 2019
Stress and the microbiome: linking glucocorticoids to bacterial community dynamics in wild red squirrels
MR Stothart, CB Bobbie, AI Schulte-Hostedde, R Boonstra, R Palme, ...
Biology Letters 12 (1), 20150875, 2016
Integrating evolution in the management of captive zoo populations
AI Schulte‐Hostedde, GF Mastromonaco
Evolutionary applications 8 (5), 413-422, 2015
Sexual dimorphism in body composition of small mammals
AI Schulte-Hostedde, JS Millar, GJ Hickling
Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (6), 1016-1020, 2001
Validation and use of hair cortisol as a measure of chronic stress in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)
GF Mastromonaco, K Gunn, H McCurdy-Adams, DB Edwards, ...
Conservation physiology 2 (1), cou055, 2014
Sexual selection and mating patterns in a mammal with female-biased sexual size dimorphism
AI Schulte-Hostedde, JS Millar, HL Gibbs
Behavioral Ecology 15 (2), 351-356, 2004
Female‐biased sexual size dimorphism in the yellow‐pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus): sex‐specific patterns of annual reproductive success and survival
AI Schulte‐Hostedde, JS Millar, HL Gibbs
Evolution 56 (12), 2519-2529, 2002
Relationships between body condition indices and proximate composition in adult walleyes
SD Kaufman, TA Johnston, WC Leggett, MD Moles, JM Casselman, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136 (6), 1566-1576, 2007
Sexual size dimorphism in rodents
AI Schulte-Hostedde
Rodent societies: an ecological & evolutionary perspective, 115-128, 2007
Fat and happy in the city: Eastern chipmunks in urban environments
J Lyons, G Mastromonaco, DB Edwards, AI Schulte-Hostedde
Behavioral Ecology 28 (6), 1464-1471, 2017
Effects of sex and body size on ectoparasite loads in the northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus)
C Perez-Orella, AI Schulte-Hostedde
Canadian journal of zoology 83 (10), 1381-1385, 2005
Reproductive output depends on body condition in spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata)
JD Litzgus, F Bolton, AI Schulte-Hostedde
Copeia 2008 (1), 86-92, 2008
Condition dependence of testis size in small mammals
AI Schulte-Hostedde, JS Millar, GJ Hickling
Evolutionary Ecology Research 7 (1), 143-149, 2005
Reproductive roles predict sexual dimorphism in internal and external morphology of lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis
SJ Casselman, AI Schulte‐Hostedde
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13 (3), 217-222, 2004
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Articles 1–20