Pooja Chaudhary
Pooja Chaudhary
Senior Research Fellow at NIT Kurukshetra
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Cited by
Enhancing the browser-side context-aware sanitization of suspicious HTML5 code for halting the DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities in cloud
BB Gupta, S Gupta, P Chaudhary
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) 7 (1), 1-31, 2017
Hunting for DOM-Based XSS vulnerabilities in mobile cloud-based online social network
S Gupta, BB Gupta, P Chaudhary
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 319-336, 2018
Smart defense against distributed Denial of service attack in IoT networks using supervised learning classifiers
BB Gupta, P Chaudhary, X Chang, N Nedjah
Computers & Electrical Engineering 98, 107726, 2022
Future IoT‐enabled threats and vulnerabilities: State of the art, challenges, and future prospects
A Srivastava, S Gupta, M Quamara, P Chaudhary, VJ Aski
International Journal of Communication Systems 33 (12), e4443, 2020
Auditing defense against XSS worms in online social network-based web applications
P Chaudhary, S Gupta, BB Gupta
Handbook of research on modern cryptographic solutions for computer and …, 2016
Enhancing big data security through integrating XSS scanner into fog nodes for SMEs gain
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta, X Chang, N Nedjah, KT Chui
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 168, 120754, 2021
Ddos detection framework in resource constrained internet of things domain
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta
2019 IEEE 8th global conference on consumer electronics (GCCE), 675-678, 2019
Cross-site scripting attacks: classification, attack, and countermeasures
BB Gupta, P Chaudhary
CRC Press, 2020
Designing a XSS defensive framework for web servers deployed in the existing smart city infrastructure
BB Gupta, P Chaudhary, S Gupta
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 32 (4), 85-111, 2020
ConvXSS: A deep learning-based smart ICT framework against code injection attacks for HTML5 web applications in sustainable smart city infrastructure
K Kuppa, A Dayal, S Gupta, A Dua, P Chaudhary, S Rathore
Sustainable Cities and Society 80, 103765, 2022
A novel framework to alleviate dissemination of XSS worms in online social network (OSN) using view segregation.
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta
Neural Network World, 2017
Shielding smart home iot devices against adverse effects of xss using ai model
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta, KT Chui, S Yamaguchi
2021 IEEE International conference on consumer electronics (ICCE), 1-5, 2021
Securing heterogeneous embedded devices against XSS attack in intelligent IoT system
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta, AK Singh
Computers & Security 118, 102710, 2022
Cross-site scripting (XSS) worms in Online Social Network (OSN): Taxonomy and defensive mechanisms
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta, S Gupta
2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global …, 2016
Xsspro: Xss attack detection proxy to defend social networking platforms
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta, C Choi, KT Chui
Computational Data and Social Networks: 9th International Conference, CSoNet …, 2020
Implementing attack detection system using filter-based feature selection methods for fog-enabled IoT networks
P Chaudhary, B Gupta, AK Singh
Telecommunication Systems 81 (1), 23-39, 2022
Plague of cross-site scripting on web applications: a review, taxonomy and challenges
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta
International Journal of Web Based Communities 14 (1), 64-93, 2018
Defending the OSN-based web applications from XSS attacks using dynamic javascript code and content isolation
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta, S Gupta
Quality, IT and Business Operations: Modeling and Optimization, 107-119, 2018
A client‐server JavaScript code rewriting‐based framework to detect the XSS worms from online social network
S Gupta, BB Gupta, P Chaudhary
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (21), e4646, 2019
A framework for preserving the privacy of online users against XSS worms on online social network
P Chaudhary, BB Gupta, S Gupta
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE …, 2019
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Articles 1–20