Michael C. Chen
Michael C. Chen
PureTech Health; Sonde Health; Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center;
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EEG correlates of time-varying BOLD functional connectivity
C Chang, Z Liu, MC Chen, X Liu, JH Duyn
Neuroimage 72, 227-236, 2013
Neural systems approaches to understanding major depressive disorder: an intrinsic functional organization perspective
JP Hamilton, MC Chen, IH Gotlib
Neurobiology of disease 52, 4-11, 2013
Decreased hippocampal volume in healthy girls at risk of depression
MC Chen, JP Hamilton, IH Gotlib
JAMA Psychiatry 67 (3), 270-276, 2010
Anomalous gray matter structural networks in major depressive disorder
MK Singh, SR Kesler, SMH Hosseini, RG Kelley, D Amatya, JP Hamilton, ...
Biological psychiatry 74 (10), 777-785, 2013
Variant in oxytocin receptor gene is associated with amygdala volume
DJ Furman, MC Chen, IH Gotlib
Psychoneuroendocrinology 36 (6), 891-897, 2011
Increased insula coactivation with salience networks in insomnia
MC Chen, C Chang, GH Glover, IH Gotlib
Biological psychology 97, 1-8, 2014
Role of hippocampal sodium channel Nav1. 6 in kindling epileptogenesis
H Blumenfeld, A Lampert, JP Klein, J Mission, MC Chen, M Rivera, ...
Epilepsia 50 (1), 44-55, 2009
Stimulation of the Pontine Parabrachial Nucleus Promotes Wakefulness via Extra-thalamic Forebrain Circuit Nodes
MH Qiu, MC Chen, PM Fuller, J Lu
Current Biology 26 (17), 2301-2312, 2016
The anatomical, cellular and synaptic basis of motor atonia during rapid eye movement sleep
E Arrigoni, MC Chen, PM Fuller
The Journal of physiology 594 (19), 5391-5414, 2016
Nigrostriatal dopamine acting on globus pallidus regulates sleep
MH Qiu, QL Yao, R Vetrivelan, MC Chen, J Lu
Cerebral cortex 26 (4), 1430-1439, 2016
Reduced sleep quality in healthy girls at risk for depression
MC Chen, HW Burley, IH Gotlib
Journal of sleep research 21 (1), 68-72, 2012
Concordance of mother–daughter diurnal cortisol production: Understanding the intergenerational transmission of risk for depression
J LeMoult, MC Chen, LC Foland-Ross, HW Burley, IH Gotlib
Biological psychology 108, 98-104, 2015
Identification of a direct GABAergic pallidocortical pathway in rodents
MC Chen, L Ferrari, MD Sacchet, LC Foland‐Ross, MH Qiu, IH Gotlib, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (6), 748-759, 2015
Serotonin transporter polymorphism predicts waking cortisol in young girls
MC Chen, J Joormann, J Hallmayer, IH Gotlib
Psychoneuroendocrinology 34 (5), 681-686, 2009
Neural temporal dynamics of stress in comorbid major depressive disorder and social anxiety disorder
CE Waugh, JP Hamilton, MC Chen, J Joormann, IH Gotlib
Biology of mood & anxiety disorders 2 (1), 1-15, 2012
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex regulates depressive-like behavior and rapid eye movement sleep in the rat
CH Chang, MC Chen, MH Qiu, J Lu
Neuropharmacology 86, 125-132, 2014
Deep brain stimulation in the globus pallidus externa promotes sleep
MH Qiu, MC Chen, J Wu, D Nelson, J Lu
Neuroscience 322, 115-120, 2016
Distinctive and common neural underpinnings of major depression, social anxiety, and their comorbidity
JP Hamilton, MC Chen, CE Waugh, J Joormann, IH Gotlib
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10 (4), 552-560, 2015
Volumetric reductions in the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in adolescents with bipolar I disorder
MK Singh, KD Chang, MC Chen, RG Kelley, A Garrett, MM Mitsunaga, ...
Bipolar disorders 14 (6), 585-596, 2012
The National Sleep Foundation's Sleep Satisfaction Tool
MM Ohayon, M Paskow, A Roach, C Filer, DS Hillygus, MC Chen, ...
Sleep health 5 (1), 5-11, 2019
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Articles 1–20