Eneli Kindsiko
Eneli Kindsiko
Associate Professor
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The Poor and Embarrassing Cousin to the Gentrified Quantitative Academics: What Determines the Sample Size in Qualitative Interview-Based Organization Studies?
E Kindsiko, H Poltimäe
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 20 (3), 2019
Careers of PhD graduates: The role of chance events and how to manage them
E Kindsiko, Y Baruch
Journal of Vocational Behavior 112 (June), 122-140, 2019
Commercial gentrification in post‐industrial neighbourhoods: a dynamic view from an entrepreneur’s perspective
I Pastak, E Kindsiko, T Tammaru, R Kleinhans, M Van Ham
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 110 (5), 588-604, 2019
Detecting Major Misconceptions about Employment in ICT: A Study of the Myths about ICT Work among Females
E Kindsiko, K Türk
International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business …, 2017
Designing gender-neutral software engineering program. stereotypes, social pressure, and current attitudes based on recent studies
Y Kovaleva, A Happonen, E Kindsiko
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Gender Equality, Diversity, and …, 2022
To work at home or in the office? Well-being, information flow and relationships between office workers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Aidla, E Kindsiko, H Poltimäe, L Hääl
Journal of Facilities Management 21 (3), 431-452, 2023
Knowing in Journalistic Practice: Ethnography in a public broadcasting company
A Värk, E Kindsiko
Journalism practice 13 (3), 298-313, 2019
They only teach us word and excel!
E Kindsiko, A Aidla, H Poltimäe, K Türk
Trames 24 (1), 53-69, 2020
Eesti doktorite karjääritee ja seda mõjutavad tegurid
E Kindsiko, M Vadi, V Täks, K Loite, K Kurri
Tartu, Tartu Ülikool, 2017
Career patterns of doctoral graduates: Evidence from Estonia
E Kindsiko, M Vadi
Trames: A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 22 (2), 105-123, 2018
Organisational control in university management: A multiparadigm approach
E Kindsiko
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018
State-of-the-art review on current approaches to female inclusiveness in software engineering and computer science in higher education
Y Kovaleva, A Happonen, J Kasurinen, E Kindsiko
IEEE Access, 2023
Akadeemilised töötajad teadmusühiskonnas
E Mägi, K Koppel, K Kõiv, E Kindsiko, M Beerkens
Lõpparuanne. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool ja Mõttekoda Praxis, 2019
DIVERCITIES: Dealing with urban diversity–The case of Tallinn, Estonia
T Tammaru, E Kindsiko, J Holvandus, K Leetmaa, I Pastak, A Väiko
Tartu: University of Tartu, Faculty of Science and Technology, 2016
Teadlase karjäär: Eesti rahvusvahelises taustsüsteemis
M Vadi, E Kindsiko, R Alas
Uuring 6.4 lõppraport, 2015
Doktoriõppe tulemuslikkuse analüüs. Uuringu 2.4 lõppraport
R Eamets, K Tamm, D Tamm-Klaos, M Aksen, A Kärner, E Kindsiko
Külastatud aadressil http://tips. ut. ee/img/image …, 2014
From dishonesty to honesty: is this journey path dependent?
E Kindsiko, M Vadi, T Vissak
(Dis) Honesty in Management, 337-349, 2013
(Dis) honesty in organizations: Ethical perspectives
E Kindsiko
(Dis) Honesty in Management, 19-35, 2013
Organisational control in university management: a multiparadigm approach on the example of the University of Tartu
E Kindsiko
Doktoriõppe tulemuslikkuse analüüs
R Eamets, K Tamm, D Tamm-Klaos, M Aksen, A Kärner, E Kindsiko
Uuringu, 2014
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Articles 1–20