Задача наилучшего выбора при случайном числе объектов ЭЛ Пресман, ИМ Сонин Теория вероятностей и ее применения 17 (4), 695-706, 1972 | 194* | 1972 |
Принципы случайного блуждания Ф Спицер, ЭЛ Пресман, ОВ Висков | 124 | 1969 |
Sequential control with incomplete information: the Bayesian approach to multi-armed bandit problems EL Presman, IM Sonin English Translation, Academic Press, NY, 1990 | 100 | 1990 |
Inventory models with continuous and Poisson demands and discounted and average costs E Presman, SP Sethi Production and Operations Management 15 (2), 279-293, 2006 | 91 | 2006 |
Factorization methods and boundary problems for sums of random variables given on Markov chains EL Presman Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya 3 (4), 815-852, 1969 | 81 | 1969 |
Optimal feedback production planning in a stochastic N -machine flowshop E Presman, S Sethi, Q Zhang Automatica 31 (9), 1325-1332, 1995 | 79 | 1995 |
Explicit solution of a general consumption/portfolio problem with subsistence consumption and bankruptcy EL Presman, S Sethi, M Taksar Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 16 (3-4), 747-768, 1992 | 78 | 1992 |
Approximation of binomial distributions by infinitely divisible ones EL Presman Theory of Probability & Its Applications 28 (2), 393-403, 1984 | 74 | 1984 |
Mnogomernyj statističeskij analiz i vremennye râdy MG Kendall, A Stuart, ÈL Presman, V Rotar, - переводчики, ... Izdatel'stvo" Nauka", 1976 | 65* | 1976 |
On the rate of approach of the distributions of sums of independent random variables to accompanying distributions IA Ibragimov, EL Presman Theory of Probability & Its Applications 18 (4), 713-727, 1974 | 65* | 1974 |
On the variation distance between the distribution of a sum of independent Bernoulli variables and the Poisson law EL Presman Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya 30 (2), 391-396, 1985 | 55* | 1985 |
Poisson version of the two-armed bandit problem with discounting EL Presman Theory of Probability & Its Applications 35 (2), 307-317, 1991 | 52 | 1991 |
Последовательное управление по неполным данным. Байесовский подход ЭЛ Пресман Москва, Наука, 1982 | 48* | 1982 |
RISK‐AVERSION BEHAVIOR IN CONSUMPTION/INVESTMENT PROBLEMS E Presman, S Sethi Mathematical Finance 1 (1), 100-124, 1991 | 30 | 1991 |
Первый Всемирный Конгресс Общества математической статистики и теории вероятностей им. Бернулли АН Ширяев, АА Новиков, ЭЛ Пресман Теория вероятностей и ее применения 32 (2), 217-218, 417-418, 1987 | 29 | 1987 |
Методы факторизации и граничная задача для суммы случайных величин, заданных на цепи Маркова ЭЛ Пресман Известия Российской академии наук. Серия математическая 33 (4), 861-900, 1969 | 29 | 1969 |
Existence of Optimal Feedback Production Plans in Stochastic N-Machine Flowshop with Limited Buffers E Presman, SP Sethi, W Suo Automatica 33, 1899-1903, 1997 | 27 | 1997 |
Equilibrium points in a game related to the best choice problem EL Presman, IM Sonin Theory of Probability & Its Applications 20 (4), 770-781, 1976 | 25 | 1976 |
Growth Rate, Internal Rates of Return and Financial Bubbles EL Presman, IM Sonin Preprint WP/2000/103 CEMI RAS, 2000 | 24 | 2000 |
On a multidimensional version of the Kolmogorov uniform limit theorem EL Presman Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya 18 (2), 396-402, 1974 | 24* | 1974 |