Mohammad Sajid, Ph.D.
Mohammad Sajid, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Cited by
Cloud computing: Issues & challenges
M Sajid, Z Raza
International conference on cloud, big data and trust 20 (13), 13-15, 2013
Artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies for smart city
J Singh, M Sajid, SK Gupta, RA Haidri
Intelligent Green Technologies for Sustainable Smart Cities, 317-330, 2022
Vehicle routing problem using reinforcement learning: Recent advancements
SM Raza, M Sajid, J Singh
Advanced machine intelligence and signal processing, 269-280, 2022
Routing and scheduling optimization for UAV assisted delivery system: A hybrid approach
M Sajid, H Mittal, S Pare, M Prasad
Applied Soft Computing 126, 109225, 2022
A novel deep neural-based music recommendation method considering user and song data
J Singh, M Sajid, CS Yadav, SS Singh, M Saini
2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics …, 2022
A novel algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing problem for smart cities
M Sajid, J Singh, RA Haidri, M Prasad, V Varadarajan, K Kotecha, D Garg
Symmetry 13 (10), 1923, 2021
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Using Algebraic Particle Swarm Optimization with Simulated Annealing Algorithm
M Sajid, J Singh, R Rajak
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Systems, 225-239, 2023
Blockchain technology: Opportunities & challenges
K Bilal, M Sajid, J Singh
2022 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry …, 2022
Levelized multiple workflow allocation strategy under precedence constraints with task merging in IaaS cloud environment
F Ahmad, M Shahid, M Alam, Z Ashraf, M Sajid, K Kotecha, G Dhiman
IEEE Access 10, 92809-92827, 2022
Factorization machine based music recommendation approach
J Singh, M Sajid
2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies …, 2021
A comprehensive survey on cloud computing: architecture, tools, technologies, and open issues
MS Jawed, M Sajid
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) 12 (1), 1-33, 2022
XECryptoGA: a metaheuristic algorithm-based block cipher to enhance the security goals
MS Jawed, M Sajid
Evolving Systems 14 (5), 749-770, 2023
Integrated fog and cloud computing issues and challenges
S Sharma, M Sajid
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) 11 (4 …, 2021
Level based batch scheduling strategy with idle slot reduction under DAG constraints for computational grid
M Shahid, Z Raza, M Sajid
Journal of Systems and Software 108, 110-133, 2015
Energy-aware stochastic scheduler for batch of precedence-constrained jobs on heterogeneous computing system
M Sajid, Z Raza
Energy 125, 258-274, 2017
A deadline aware load balancing strategy for cloud computing
RA Haidri, M Alam, M Shahid, S Prakash, M Sajid
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, e6496, 2022
Turnaround time minimization-based static scheduling model using task duplication for fine-grained parallel applications onto hybrid cloud environment
M Sajid, Z Raza
IETE Journal of Research 62 (3), 402-414, 2016
Blockchain technology meets 6 G wireless networks: A systematic survey
KMB Hasan, M Sajid, MA Lapina, M Shahid, K Kotecha
Alexandria Engineering Journal 92, 199-220, 2024
Energy‐efficient scheduling algorithms for batch‐of‐tasks (BoT) applications on heterogeneous computing systems
M Sajid, Z Raza, M Shahid
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28 (9), 2664-2669, 2015
Energy-aware stochastic scheduling model with precedence constraints on DVFS-enabled processors
M Sajid, Z Raza
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 24 (5), 4117 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20