Raul Baragiola
Raul Baragiola
Wilson Professor, University of Virginia
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Cassini plasma spectrometer investigation
DT Young, JJ Berthelier, M Blanc, JL Burch, AJ Coates, R Goldstein, ...
The Cassini-Huygens Mission: Orbiter In Situ Investigations Volume 2, 1-112, 2004
Electron emission from clean metal surfaces induced by low-energy light ions
RA Baragiola, EV Alonso, AO Florio
Physical Review B 19 (1), 121, 1979
Ion-induced electron emission from clean metals
RA Baragiola, EV Alonso, J Ferron, A Oliva-Florio
Surface Science 90, 1979
Composition and dynamics of plasma in Saturn's magnetosphere
DT Young, JJ Berthelier, M Blanc, JL Burch, S Bolton, AJ Coates, FJ Crary, ...
Science 307 (5713), 1262-1266, 2005
Photodesorption from low-temperature water ice in interstellar and circumsolar grains
MS Westley, RA Baragiola, RE Johnson, GA Baratta
Nature 373 (6513), 405-407, 1995
Sublimation of vapor-deposited water ice below 170 K, and its dependence on growth conditions
NJ Sack, RA Baragiola
Physical Review B 48 (14), 9973, 1993
Density and index of refraction of water ice films vapor deposited at low temperatures
MS Westley, GA Baratta, RA Baragiola
The Journal of chemical physics 108 (8), 3321-3326, 1998
Irradiation of olivine by 4 keV He+: Simulation of space weathering by the solar wind
MJ Loeffler, CA Dukes, RA Baragiola
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 114 (E3), 2009
Ultraviolet photodesorption from water ice
MS Westley, RA Baragiola, RE Johnson, GA Baratta
Planetary and Space Science 43 (10-11), 1311-1315, 1995
Principles and mechanisms of ion induced electron emission
RA Baragiola
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1993
CO synthesis in solid CO by Lyman-α photons and 200 keV protons
MJ Loeffler, GA Baratta, ME Palumbo, G Strazzulla, RA Baragiola
Astronomy & Astrophysics 435 (2), 587-594, 2005
Water ice on outer solar system surfaces: Basic properties and radiation effects
RA Baragiola
Planetary and Space Science 51 (14-15), 953-961, 2003
Plasmon-assisted electron emission from Al and Mg surfaces by slow ions
RA Baragiola, CA Dukes
Physical review letters 76 (14), 2547, 1996
Sputtering of water ice surfaces and the production of extended neutral atmospheres
M Shi, RA Baragiola, DE Grosjean, RE Johnson, S Jurac, J Schou
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 100 (E12), 26387-26395, 1995
Z 1 dependence of ion-induced electron emission from aluminum
EV Alonso, RA Baragiola, J Ferron, MM Jakas, A Oliva-Florio
Physical Review B 22 (1), 80, 1980
Characterization of porosity in vapor-deposited amorphous solid water from methane adsorption
U Raut, M Famá, BD Teolis, RA Baragiola
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (20), 2007
Surface modification of olivine by H+ and He+ bombardment
CA Dukes, RA Baragiola, LA McFadden
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 104 (E1), 1865-1872, 1999
Cassini finds an oxygen–carbon dioxide atmosphere at Saturn’s icy moon Rhea
BD Teolis, GH Jones, PF Miles, RL Tokar, BA Magee, JH Waite, ...
Science 330 (6012), 1813-1815, 2010
Sputtering of water ice
RA Baragiola, RA Vidal, W Svendsen, J Schou, M Shi, DA Bahr, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2003
Ion and neutral sources and sinks within Saturn's inner magnetosphere: Cassini results
EC Sittler Jr, N Andre, M Blanc, M Burger, RE Johnson, A Coates, ...
Planetary and Space Science 56 (1), 3-18, 2008
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