Pushpendu Kar
Pushpendu Kar
Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham UK (China campus)
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Implementation of smart LED lighting and efficient data management system for buildings
A Kumar, P Kar, R Warrier, A Kajale, SK Panda
Energy Procedia 143, 173-178, 2017
ReViCEE: A Recommendation based approach for personalized control Visual Comfort & Energy Efficiency in buildings
P Kar, A Shareef, A Kumar, T H. Koh, B K. Mallikarjuna, S K. Panda
Building and Environment, 2019
Existence of dumb nodes in stationary wireless sensor networks
S Misra, P Kar, A Roy, MS Obaidat
Journal of Systems and Software 91, 135-146, 2014
D3: Distributed approach for the detection of dumb nodes in wireless sensor networks
A Roy, P Kar, S Misra, MS Obaidat
International Journal of Communication Systems 30 (1), e2913, 2017
Reliable and Efficient Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Network in the Presence of Transfaulty Nodes
P Kar, S Misra
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2015
Detouring dynamic routing holes in stationary wireless sensor networks in the presence of temporarily misbehaving nodes
P Kar, S Misra
International Journal of Communication Systems 30 (4), e3009, 2017
Energy-Efficient Connectivity Re-establishment in WSN in the Presence of Dumb Nodes
P Kar, A Roy, S Misra, MS Obaidat
In Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2015 — 4th IEEE International Workshop on Smart …, 2015
Connectivity Re-establishment in Self-organizing Sensor Networks with Dumb Nodes
P Kar, A Roy, S Misra
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2015
CNN: a Cluster-based Named Data Routing for Vehicular Networks
SP Ardakani, CF Kwong, P Kar, Q Liu, L LI
IEEE Access, 2021
Analysis Of IEEE 802.11 WLAN Frame Aggregation Under Different Network Conditions
S Das, P Kar, S Barman
International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and …, 2017
On the Effects of Communication Range Shrinkage of Sensor Nodes in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Due to Adverse Environmental Conditions
P Kar, A Roy, S Misra, MS Obaidat
IEEE Systems Journal, 2016
Detection of dumb nodes in a stationary wireless sensor network
A Roy, P Kar, S Misra
2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2014
Topology Control for Self-Adaptation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Temporary Connection Impairment
A Roy, S Misra, P Kar, A Mondal
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2016
Are Fake Images Bothering You on Social Network? Let’s Detect Them Using Recurrent Neural Network
P Kar, Z Xue, SP Ardakani, CF Kwong
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2022
Location-aware Smart Lighting System for Individual Visual Comfort in Buildings
A Kumar, A Kajale, P Kar, R Warier, A Shareef, SK Panda
IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017), 2017
An Efficient Producer Mobility Management Technique for Real-time Communication in NDN-based Remote Health Monitoring Systems
P Kar, R Chen, Y Qian
Smart Health (Elsevier), 2022
Interoperability in IoT for Smart Systems
M Roy, P Kar, S Datta
Reinforcement Learning-Based Joint Self-Optimisation Method for the Fuzzy Logic Handover Algorithm in 5G HetNets
Q Liu, CF Kwong, W Sun, S Zhou, L Li, P Kar
Neural Computing and Applications, 2021
SOS: NDN Based Service-Oriented Game-Theoretic Efficient Security Scheme for IoT Networks
P Kar, S Misra, A Mandal, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021
A Novel Cooperative Cache Policy for Wireless Networks
L Li, CF Kwong, Q Liu, P Kar, SP Ardakani
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021
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Articles 1–20