James Overfelt
James Overfelt
Sandia National Laboratories
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Cited by
PLAPACK: parallel linear algebra package design overview
P Alpatov, G Baker, C Edwards, J Gunnels, G Morrow, J Overfelt, ...
Proceedings of the 1997 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 1-16, 1997
Aquaplanet experiments using CAM’s variable-resolution dynamical core
CM Zarzycki, MN Levy, C Jablonowski, JR Overfelt, MA Taylor, PA Ullrich
Journal of Climate 27 (14), 5481-5503, 2014
Parallel implementation of BLAS: General techniques for level 3 BLAS
A Chtchelkanova, J Gunnels, G Morrow, J Overfelt, RA van de Geijn
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 9 (9), 837-857, 1997
Towards performance portability in a compressible cfd code
M Howard, A Bradley, SW Bova, J Overfelt, R Wagnild, D Dinzl, ...
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 4407, 2017
The spectral element method (SEM) on variable-resolution grids: Evaluating grid sensitivity and resolution-aware numerical viscosity
O Guba, MA Taylor, PA Ullrich, JR Overfelt, MN Levy
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (6), 2803-2816, 2014
The spectral element method on variable resolution grids: Evaluating grid sensitivity and resolution-aware numerical viscosity
O Guba, MA Taylor, PA Ullrich, JR Overfelt, MN Levy
Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss 7, 4081-4117, 2014
CAM-SE–CSLAM: Consistent coupling of a conservative semi-Lagrangian finite-volume method with spectral element dynamics
PH Lauritzen, MA Taylor, J Overfelt, PA Ullrich, RD Nair, S Goldhaber, ...
Monthly Weather Review 145 (3), 833-855, 2017
Employing Multiple Levels of Parallelism for CFD at Large Scales on Next Generation High-Performance Computing Platforms.
M Howard, TC Fisher, MF Hoemmen, DJ Dinzl, JR Overfelt, AM Bradley, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2018
Fast summation methods and integral equations
Y Fu, JR Overfelt, GJ Rodin
Mathematical aspects of boundary element methods, 128-139, 2024
Elastic wave propagation in variable media using a discontinuous Galerkin method
TM Smith, SS Collis, CC Ober, JR Overfelt, HF Schwaiger
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010, 2982-2987, 2010
Periodic conduction problems: the fast multipole method and convergence of integral equations and lattice sums
GJ Rodin, JR Overfelt
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2004
PLAPACK: Parallel Linear Algebra Libraries Design Overview, SC97
P Alpatov, G Baker, C Edwards, J Gunnels, G Morrow, J Overfelt, ...
Tetrahedral mesh adaptation for Lagrangian shock hydrodynamics
DA Ibanez, E Love, TE Voth, JR Overfelt, NV Roberts, GA Hansen
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78 (2), 402-416, 2019
Towards usable and lean parallel linear algebra libraries
A Chtchelkanova, C Edwards, J Gunnels, G Morrow, J Overfelt, ...
Tech. report, The University of Texas at Austin, 1996
Full wave inversion using a spectral-element discontinuous Galerkin method
JR Krebs, SS Collis, NJ Downey, CC Ober, JR Overfelt, TM Smith, ...
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014 2014 (1), 1-5, 2014
Synthetic study of raw-data FWI applied to visco-TTI-elastic data
J Krebs, C Ober, T Smith, J Overfelt, S Collis, G Von Winckel, ...
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2016-13841891, 2016
Visco-TTI-elastic FWI using discontinuous Galerkin
C Ober, T Smith, J Overfelt, S Collis, G Von Winckel, ...
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, 1190-1195, 2016
Clipping of arbitrary polygons with degeneracies
EL Foster, JR Overfelt
arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.3376, 2012
Risk assessment of climate systems for national security.
GA Backus, MBE Boslough, TJ Brown, X Cai, SH Conrad, PG Constantine, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2012
A variable resolution spectral element dynamical core in the Community Atmosphere Model
MN Levy, JR Overfelt, MA Taylor
Sandia National Laboratories Tech. Note SAND, 2013
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Articles 1–20