Jeremy  Ang
Jeremy Ang
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Cited by
Prosody-based automatic detection of annoyance and frustration in human-computer dialog.
J Ang, R Dhillon, A Krupski, E Shriberg, A Stolcke
INTERSPEECH, 2037-2040, 2002
The ICSI meeting recorder dialog act (MRDA) corpus
E Shriberg, R Dhillon, S Bhagat, J Ang, H Carvey
Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue at HLT …, 2004
Automatic dialog act segmentation and classification in multiparty meetings
J Ang, Y Liu, E Shriberg
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
The ICSI meeting project: Resources and research
A Janin, J Ang, S Bhagat, R Dhillon, J Edwards, J Macias-Guarasa, ...
Proceedings of the 2004 ICASSP NIST Meeting Recognition Workshop, 2004
Structural metadata research in the EARS program
Y Liu, E Shriberg, A Stolcke, B Peskin, J Ang, D Hillard, M Ostendorf, ...
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Prosodic cues for emotion recognition in communicator dialogs
JC Ang
Proc. of EUROSPEECH 2003, 2002
The Meeting Recorder Project at ICSI
J Edwards, C Wooters, J Ang, D Baron, D Ellis, D Gelbart, N Morgan, ...
ICSI Meeting Data
J Ang, S Bhagat, D Baron, B Chen, R Dhillon, J Edwards, D Ellis, ...
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