Rodrigo Pinto Lemos
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Automatic fault classification in photovoltaic modules using Convolutional Neural Networks
RHF Alves, GA de Deus Junior, EG Marra, RP Lemos
Renewable Energy 179, 502-516, 2021
A new concept of assistive virtual keyboards based on a systematic review of text entry optimization techniques
RS Gomide, LFB Loja, RP Lemos, EL Flôres, FR Melo, RAG Teixeira
Research on Biomedical Engineering 32, 176-198, 2016
Spatial filtering based on differential spectrum for improving ML DOA estimation performance
RP Lemos, HVL e Silva, EL Flores, JA Kunzler, DF Burgos
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (12), 1811-1815, 2016
A new DOA estimation algorithm based on differential spectrum
YR Ferreira, RP Lemos
Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Signal Processing and …, 2005
A branch-and-bound inspired technique to improve the computational efficiency of DOA estimation
HVL Silva, RP Lemos, YR Ferreira, LGR Guedes
Signal processing 93 (4), 947-956, 2013
Adaptive beamforming for moving targets using genetic algorithms
D Burgos, J Kunzler, R Lemos, H Silva
2015 Workshop on Engineering Applications-International Congress on …, 2015
Alocação Dinâmica de Taxa de Transmissão em Redes de Pacotes Utilizando Redes Neurais Recorrentes Treinadas com Algoritmos em Tempo Real
FHT Vieira, RP Lemos, LL Lee
IEEE Latin America 1 (1), 2003
A concept-environment for computer-based augmentative and alternative communication founded on a systematic review
LFB Loja, RS Gomide, FF Mendes, RAG Teixeira, RP Lemos, EL Flôres
Research on Biomedical Engineering 31 (3), 257-272, 2015
Aplicação de Redes Neurais RBF Treinadas com Algoritmo ROLS e Análise Wavelet na Predição de Tráfego em Redes Ethernet
FHT Vieira, RP Lemos, LL Lee
Proceedings of the VI Brazilian Conference on Neural Networks, SP-Brasil …, 2003
Aplicabilidade de metodologias ativas em cursos de graduação em engenharia
RA de Rezende Júnior, GA de Deus Júnior, MS de Castro, RP Lemos, ...
Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia 41, 2013
Estimação de banda efetiva dinâmica em redes de computadores utilizando uma modelagem auto-regressiva nebulosa
FHT Vieira, GR Bianchi, LL Ling, RP Lemos
XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT), 2004
ATM Traffic prediction using artificial neural networks and wavelet transforms
P Lorenz, PS Barreto, RP Lemos
Networking—ICN 2001: First International Conference on Networking Colmar …, 2001
Frequency detection by linear prediction using total least squares criterion
RP Lemos, A Lopes
38th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Proceedings 2, 823-826, 1995
A systematic review on methods and techniques for optimizing assistive virtual keyboards
RS Gomide, LF Loja, EL Flores, RP Lemos, SD de Carvalho, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (8), 2687-2693, 2015
Third generation mobile wireless networks quality of service, with a 2.5 G case study using Differentiated Services
LC Saud, RP Lemos
2004 IEEE/Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communications …, 2004
Using matrix norms to estimate the direction of arrival of planar waves on an ULA
RP Lemos, JA Kunzler, MJ de Souza, HVL e Silva, YR Ferreira, EL Flôres, ...
Journal of the Franklin Institute 356 (9), 4949-4969, 2019
Detecçao de anomalias em painéis fotovoltaicos utilizando redes abnet, psom e mlp
RHF Alves, GA de Deus Júnior, FHT Vieira, MS de Castro, SG de Araújo, ...
Congresso Brasileiro de Energia Solar-CBENS, 1-8, 2016
Further investigation on frobenius spectrum for DOA estimation
J Kunzler, R Lemos, D Burgos, P Machado, G de Deus, H Silva, Y Ferreira
2015 IEEE 6th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS), 1-4, 2015
Minimos quadrados totais e máxima verossimilhança em estimação de frequências
RP Lemos
Biblioteca Digital da Unicamp, 1997
Três datasets criados a partir de um banco de canções populares brasileiras de sucesso e não-sucesso de 2014 a 2019
AA Bertoni, RP Lemos
Anais do III Dataset Showcase Workshop, 11-20, 2021
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