Lam C. Tran
Lam C. Tran
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Cited by
Characteristics of curcumin-loaded poly (lactic acid) nanofibers for wound healing
TTT Nguyen, C Ghosh, SG Hwang, LD Tran, JS Park
Journal of materials science 48, 7125-7133, 2013
Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Essential Oil from Vietnamese Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Using Response Surface Methodology
TH Tran, HHH Nguyen, DC Nguyen, TQ Nguyen, H Tan, LTH Nhan, ...
Processes 6 (11), 206, 2018
Privacy-cnh: A framework to detect photo privacy with convolutional neural network using hierarchical features
L Tran, D Kong, H Jin, J Liu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 30 (1), 2016
Effective photocatalytic activity of mixed Ni/Fe-base metal-organic framework under a compact fluorescent daylight lamp
VH Nguyen, TD Nguyen, LG Bach, T Hoang, QTP Bui, LD Tran, ...
Catalysts 8 (11), 487, 2018
Multi-model long short-term memory network for gait recognition using window-based data segment
L Tran, T Hoang, T Nguyen, H Kim, D Choi
IEEE Access 9, 23826-23839, 2021
On learning conditional random fields for stereo: Exploring model structures and approximate inference
CJ Pal, JJ Weinman, LC Tran, D Scharstein
International Journal of Computer Vision 99 (3), 319-337, 2012
Studying Ni (II) adsorption of magnetite/graphene oxide/chitosan nanocomposite
LT Tran, HV Tran, TD Le, GL Bach, LD Tran
Advances in Polymer Technology 2019 (1), 8124351, 2019
Data augmentation for inertial sensor-based gait deep neural network
L Tran, D Choi
IEEE Access 8, 12364-12378, 2020
Multi view synthesis method and display devices with spatial and inter-view consistency
TQ Nguyen, L Tran, C Bal, R Khoshabeh
US Patent 9,401,041, 2016
Efficient stereo-to-multiview synthesis
AK Jain, LC Tran, R Khoshabeh, TQ Nguyen
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Improving face recognition by online image alignment
P Wang, LC Tran, Q Ji
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 1, 311-314, 2006
Microwave-assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles using chitosan: A novel approach
NT Nguyen, BH Nguyen, DT Ba, DG Pham, T Van Khai, LT Nguyen, ...
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 29 (4), 418-421, 2014
Video detection anomaly via low-rank and sparse decompositions
L Tran, C Navasca, J Luo
2012 Western New York Image Processing Workshop, 17-20, 2012
Recovery of tropical moist deciduous dipterocarp forest in Southern Vietnam
HTT Do, JC Grant, NB Trinh, HC Zimmer, LD Tran, JD Nichols
Forest Ecology and Management 433, 184-204, 2019
Preliminary results on the utilization of Trichogramma evanescens Westw. to control the Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee in the Philippines1
LC Tran, SA Hassan
Journal of Applied Entomology 101 (1‐5), 18-23, 1986
Relationships between innovation, its antecedents, and organisational performance: evidences from auditing service industry
T Le Anh, T Nguyen, L Tran
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 21 (3), 607-621, 2023
Electrosynthesized poly (1, 5-diaminonaphthalene)/polypyrrole nanowires bilayer as an immunosensor platform for breast cancer biomarker CA 15-3
VA Nguyen, HL Nguyen, DT Nguyen, QP Do, LD Tran
Current Applied Physics 17 (11), 1422-1429, 2017
Efficiently learning random fields for stereo vision with sparse message passing
JJ Weinman, L Tran, CJ Pal
Computer Vision–ECCV 2008: 10th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2008
View synthesis based on conditional random fields and graph cuts
LC Tran, CJ Pal, TQ Nguyen
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 433-436, 2010
From Implicit to Explicit feedback: A deep neural network for modeling sequential behaviours and long-short term preferences of online users
Q Tran, L Tran, LC Hai, N Van Linh, K Than
Neurocomputing 479, 89-105, 2022
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Articles 1–20