Antonio Galves
Antonio Galves
Professor de Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo
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Metastable behavior of stochastic dynamics: a pathwise approach
M Cassandro, A Galves, E Olivieri, ME Vares
Journal of statistical physics 35, 603-634, 1984
Infinite systems of interacting chains with memory of variable length—a stochastic model for biological neural nets
A Galves, E Löcherbach
Journal of Statistical Physics 151, 896-921, 2013
Sonority as a basis for rhythmic class discrimination
A Galves, J Garcia, D Duarte, C Galves
Speech Prosody 2002, International Conference, 2002
Hydrodynamic limit for interacting neurons
A De Masi, A Galves, E Löcherbach, E Presutti
Journal of Statistical Physics 158, 866-902, 2015
Inequalities for hitting times in mixing dynamical systems
A Galves, B Schmitt
Random Comput. Dynam. 5, 337-348, 1997
Metastability for a class of dynamical systems subject to small random perturbations
A Galves, E Olivieri, ME Vares
The Annals of Probability, 1288-1305, 1987
Inequalities for the occurrence times of rare events in mixing processes. The state of the art
M Abadi, A Galves
Markov Process. Related Fields 7 (1), 97-112, 2001
Decay of correlations for non Holderian dynamics. A coupling approach
X Bressaud, R Fernández, A Galves
Electron. J. Probab. 4 (3), 1-19, 1998
Context tree selection and linguistic rhythm retrieval from written texts
A Galves, C Galves, JE Garcia, NL Garcia, F Leonardi
Annals of Applied Statistics 6 (Number 1), 186-209, 2012
Repetition times for Gibbsian sources
P Collet, A Galves, B Schmitt
Nonlinearity 12 (4), 1225, 1999
Modeling networks of spiking neurons as interacting processes with memory of variable length
A Galves, E Löcherbach
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 157 (1), 17-32, 2016
Nonequilibrium measures which exhibit a temperature gradient: study of a model
A Galves, C Kipnis, C Marchioro, E Presutti
Communications in Mathematical Physics 81, 127-147, 1981
Stochastic chains with memory of variable length
A Galves, E Löcherbach
arXiv preprint arXiv:0804.2050, 2008
Unpredictability of the occurrence time of a long laminar period in a model of temporal intermittency
P Collet, A Galves, B Schmitt
Annales de l'IHP Physique théorique 57 (3), 319-331, 1992
Statistics of close visits to the indifferent fixed point of an interval map
P Collet, A Galves
Journal of statistical physics 72, 459-478, 1993
Markov approximations of chains of infinite order
R Fernandez, A Galves
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 33 (3), 295-306, 2002
Edge fluctuations for the one dimensional supercritical contact process
A Galves, E Presutti
The Annals of Probability 15 (3), 1131-1145, 1987
Construction of stochastic processes, coupling and regeneration
PA Ferrari, A Galves
XIII Escuela Venezolana de Matemática, 2000
Markov approximation and consistent estimation of unbounded probabilistic suffix trees
D Duarte, A Galves, NL Garcia
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 37, 581-592, 2006
Fluctuations in Derrida's random energy and generalized random energy models
A Galves, S Martinez, P Picco
Journal of statistical physics 54, 515-529, 1989
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Articles 1–20