Taewoo Lee
Taewoo Lee
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
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Cited by
Rapid and in-situ detection of fecal indicator bacteria in water using simple DNA extraction and portable loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) PCR methods
S Lee, VSL Khoo, CAD Medriano, T Lee, SY Park, S Bae
Water research 160, 371-379, 2019
Real-Time Analysis of Cellular Response to Small-Molecule Drugs within a Microfluidic Dielectrophoresis Device
IS Park, J Lee, G Lee, K Nam, T Lee, WJ Chang, H Kim, SY Lee, J Seo, ...
Analytical chemistry 87 (12), 5914-5920, 2015
Vibration motor-integrated low-cost, miniaturized system for rapid quantification of red blood cell aggregation
B Namgung, T Lee, J Tan, D Poh, S Park, K Chng, R Agrawal, SY Park, ...
Lab on a Chip 20 (21), 3930-3937, 2020
Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Osteoporotic Trabecular Bone of Rats-Compared with the Effect of Actonel
CY Ko, TW Lee, DG Woo, HS Kim, HS Kim, BY Lee, DH Lim
Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering 25 (5), 148-154, 2008
Diffusion-based multi-stream bioluminescent reaction in a microfluidic device
TW Lee, HS Kim, TH Tran, J Jang, DS Yoon, JH Kim, EK Kim, YM Koo, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 185, 321-327, 2012
Selective position of individual cells without lysis on a circular window array using dielectrophoresis in a microfluidic device
YJ Jung, T Lee, S Choi, SY Lee, J Key, YM Yoo, WJ Chang, HS Kim, ...
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 21, 1-10, 2017
Detecting and Tracking Changes of Mechanical Characteristics of the Trabecular and Cortical Bone in the Lumbar Vertebrae of an OVX Rat-Use of In-Vivo Micro-CT and Micro-FE Analysis
CY Ko, DG Woo, TW Lee, BY Lee, GR Tack, HS Kim
Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering 24 (1), 110-117, 2007
An architecturally rational hemostat for rapid stopping of massive bleeding on anticoagulation therapy
VK Lee, T Lee, A Ghosh, T Saha, MV Bais, KK Bharani, M Chag, K Parikh, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (5), e2316170121, 2024
Numerical and Experimental Study on Dielectrophoretic and Electrohydrodynamic Traps using Micro-Particles on an Interdigitated Electrode Array System
TW Lee, K Nam, SH Baek, WJ Chang, SK Kim, HS Kim, DS Yoon, SW Lee
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 11 (10 …, 2010
Relationship of Morphological and Mechanical Characteristics in Vertebral Trabecular Bone
TW Lee, CY Ko, DG Woo, HS Kim
Key Engineering Materials 342, 41-44, 2007
Capacitance Effects of a Hydrophobic-Coated Ion Gel Dielectric on AC Electrowetting
T Lee, SY Park
Micromachines 12 (3), 320, 2021
전신진동이 골다공증이 유발된 쥐 해면골에 미치는 영향: 골다공증 치료제 효과와 비교
고창용, 이태우, 우대곤, 김효선, 김한성, 이법이, 임도형
Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering 25 (5), 148-154, 2008
long-term study for the effect of ovariectomy on rat bone-use of in-vivo micro-CT
DG Woo, CY Ko, TW Lee, HS Kim, BY Lee
International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering 1 (11), 156-159, 2007
Improved non-invasive biomechanical evaluation method for the virtue of risedronate
CY Ko, TW Lee, DG Woo, HS Kim, BY Lee
Key Engineering Materials 342, 921-924, 2007
난소 절제술을 시행한 흰쥐 등뼈의 해면골과 피질골의 구조적 특성 추적관찰 및 기계적 특성 분석: 생체 내 미세단층촬영 시스템과 미세 유한요소법 적용
고창용, 우대곤, 이태우, 김한성, 이법이, 탁계래
Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering 24 (1), 110-117, 2007
전신진동이 난소절제술을 시행한 흰쥐 해면뼈에 미치는 영향
고창용, 이태우, 우대곤, 김효선, 임도형, 김한성, 이법이
대한체질인류학회지 20 (4), 301-309, 2007
Effect of Vibration on Trabecualr Bone of OVX Rats
CY Ko, TW Lee, DG Woo, HS Kim, CH Kim, BY Lee
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference, 183-184, 2006
Molecular dynamics simulation to investigate structural characteristics of aggrecan in degenerated intervertebral discs
K Kwon, H Kim, T Lee, DS Yoon, HS Kim
Biomedical Engineering Letters 5, 65-69, 2015
Development of Standards of Tattoo Machine for Safety and Performance Evaluation
YG Kim, SK Cho, TW Lee, CM Yeo, BJ Jung, YM Kwon, JH Cha, CH Hur, ...
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research 32 (2), 151-157, 2011
의료용 표시기의 안전성 평가 방법 개발을 위한 기초연구
김영균, 최윤영, 조영근, 이태우, 김한성
한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 1401-1402, 2010
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Articles 1–20