Søren Kjærgaard
Søren Kjærgaard
University of Southern Denmark, CREATES Aarhus University
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Dynamics of life expectancy and life span equality
JM Aburto, F Villavicencio, U Basellini, S Kjærgaard, JW Vaupel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (10), 5250-5259, 2020
Gender differences in cognitive function and grip strength: a cross-national comparison of four European regions
LJ Ahrenfeldt, LL Scheel-Hincke, S Kjærgaard, S Möller, K Christensen, ...
European journal of public health 29 (4), 667-674, 2018
Forecasting causes of death by using compositional data analysis: the case of cancer deaths
S Kjærgaard, YE Ergemen, M Kallestrup‐Lamb, J Oeppen, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 68 …, 2019
Linking retirement age to life expectancy does not lessen the demographic implications of unequal lifespans
JA Alvarez, M Kallestrup-Lamb, S Kjærgaard
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 99, 363-375, 2021
Mortality forecasting at age 65 and above: an age-specific evaluation of the Lee-Carter model
MP Bergeron-Boucher, S Kjærgaard
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2022 (1), 64-79, 2022
The impact of the choice of life table statistics when forecasting mortality
MP Bergeron-Boucher, S Kjærgaard, J Oeppen, JW Vaupel
Demographic Research 41, 1235-1268, 2019
An age-at-death distribution approach to forecast cohort mortality
U Basellini, S Kjærgaard, CG Camarda
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 91, 129-143, 2020
Insight into stagnating adult life expectancy: Analyzing cause of death patterns across socioeconomic groups
M Kallestrup‐Lamb, S Kjærgaard, CPT Rosenskjold
Health Economics 29, 1728-1743, 2020
Killing off cohorts: Forecasting mortality of non-extinct cohorts with the penalized composite link model
S Rizzi, S Kjærgaard, MPB Boucher, CG Camarda, R Lindahl-Jacobsen, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 37 (1), 95-104, 2021
Longevity forecasting by socio‐economic groups using compositional data analysis
S Kjærgaard, YE Ergemen, MP Bergeron‐Boucher, J Oeppen, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A 183 (3), 1167-1187, 2020
Alternative Forecasts of Danish Life Expectancy
MP Bergeron-Boucher, S Kjærgaard, MD Pascariu, JM Aburto, JA Alvarez, ...
Developments in Demographic Forecasting, 131-151, 2020
The importance of the reference populations for coherent mortality forecasting models
S Kjærgaard, V Canudas-Romo, JW Vaupel
European Population Conference, 2016
Potential support ratios: Cohort versus period perspectives
S Kjærgaard, V Canudas-Romo
Population studies 71 (2), 171-186, 2017
The Danish Pension System: Design, Performance, and Challenges: The Impact of Longevity on Pension Systems
M Kallestrup-Lamb, S Kjærgaard, SF Jarner
Oxford University Press, 181-216, 2023
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Articles 1–14