Spyros I. Zoumpoulis
Cited by
Cited by
Targeting Prospective Customers: Robustness of Machine-Learning Methods to Typical Data Challenges
D Simester, A Timoshenko, SI Zoumpoulis
Management Science, 2018
Efficiently evaluating targeting policies: Improving on champion vs. challenger experiments
D Simester, A Timoshenko, SI Zoumpoulis
Management Science 66 (8), 3412-3424, 2020
The value of field experiments
JQ Li, P Rusmevichientong, D Simester, JN Tsitsiklis, SI Zoumpoulis
Management science 61 (7), 1722-1740, 2015
On decentralized detection with partial information sharing among sensors
OP Kreidl, JN Tsitsiklis, SI Zoumpoulis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (4), 1759-1765, 2010
Coordination with local information
MA Dahleh, A Tahbaz-Salehi, JN Tsitsiklis, SI Zoumpoulis
Operations Research 64 (3), 622-637, 2016
Right-protected data publishing with provable distance-based mining
SI Zoumpoulis, M Vlachos, NM Freris, C Lucchese
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 26 (8), 2014-2028, 2013
Optimal pricing and introduction timing of technology upgrades in subscription-based services
IA Kash, PB Key, SI Zoumpoulis
Operations Research 71 (2), 665-687, 2023
The effect of drone strikes on civilian communication: evidence from Yemen
F Christia, SI Zoumpoulis, M Freedman, L Yao, A Jadbabaie
Political Science Research and Methods 10 (2), 419-427, 2022
Quantifying the benefits of targeting for pandemic response
S Camelo, DF Ciocan, DA Iancu, XS Warnes, SI Zoumpoulis
medRxiv, 2021.03. 23.21254155, 2021
On global games in social networks of information exchange
M Dahleh, A Tahbaz-Salehi, JN Tsitsiklis, SI Zoumpoulis
Working paper, 2012
Run field experiments to make sense of your big data
S Zoumpoulis, D Simester, T Evgeniou
Harvard Business Review, 2015
Expected value of information methods for contextual ranking and selection: clinical trials and simulation optimization
A Alban, SE Chick, SI Zoumpoulis
2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1-12, 2021
Coordination with local information
M Dahleh, A TahbazSalehi, JN Tsitsiklis, SI Zoumpoulis
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 41 (4), 29-29, 2014
Decentralized Detection in Sensor Network Architectures with Feedback
SI Zoumpoulis
MIT, 2009
Learning personalized treatment strategies with predictive and prognostic covariates in adaptive clinical trials
A Alban, SE Chick, SI Zoumpoulis
INSEAD Working Paper, 2024
A sample size calculation for training and certifying targeting policies
D Simester, A Timoshenko, SI Zoumpoulis
MIT Sloan Research Paper, 2022
Quantifying and Realizing the Benefits of Targeting for Pandemic Response
S Camelo, DF Ciocan, D Iancu, X Warnes, SI Zoumpoulis
Available at SSRN 3810240, 2021
Networks, Decisions, and Outcomes: Coordination with Local Information and the Value of Temporal Data for Learning Influence Networks
SI Zoumpoulis
MIT, 2014
The value of temporal data for learning of influence networks
MA Dahleh, JN Tsitsiklis, SI Zoumpoulis
Working paper, 2014
The value of temporal data for learning of influence networks: A characterization via Kullback-Leibler divergence
MA Dahleh, JN Tsitsiklis, SI Zoumpoulis
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2907-2912, 2015
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Articles 1–20