Jake Bowers
Cited by
Cited by
Politics across generations: Family transmission reexamined
MK Jennings, L Stoker, J Bowers
The Journal of Politics 71 (3), 782-799, 2009
Covariate balance in simple, stratified and clustered comparative studies
BB Hansen, J Bowers
Statistical Science, 219-236, 2008
Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science
JN Druckman
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Reasoning about interference between units: A general framework
J Bowers, MM Fredrickson, C Panagopoulos
Political Analysis 21 (1), 97-124, 2013
Bringing the person back in: Boundaries, perceptions, and the measurement of racial context
C Wong, J Bowers, T Williams, KD Simmons
The Journal of Politics 74 (4), 1153-1170, 2012
EDA for HLM: Visualization when probabilistic inference fails
J Bowers, KW Drake
Political Analysis 13 (4), 301-326, 2005
Attributing effects to a cluster-randomized get-out-the-vote campaign
BB Hansen, J Bowers
Journal of the American Statistical Association 104 (487), 873-885, 2009
Designing multi-level studies:: sampling voters and electoral contexts
L Stoker, J Bowers
Electoral Studies 21 (2), 235-267, 2002
Evidence from a statewide vaccination RCT shows the limits of nudges
N Rabb, M Swindal, D Glick, J Bowers, A Tomasulo, Z Oyelami, ...
Nature 604 (7904), E1-E7, 2022
RItools: Randomization inference tools
J Bowers, M Fredrickson, B Hansen
R package version 0.1-11, 2010
Making effects manifest in randomized experiments
J Bowers, JN Druckman, DP Green, JH Kuklinski, A Lupia
Cambridge handbook of experimental political science, 459-80, 2011
The influence of social norms varies with “others” groups: Evidence from COVID-19 vaccination intentions
N Rabb, J Bowers, D Glick, KH Wilson, D Yokum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (29), e2118770119, 2022
Issues in analyzing data from the dual-mode 2000 American National Election Study
J Bowers, MJ Ensley
Ann Arbor: Universidad de Michigan, NES, 2003
Better government, better science: the promise of and challenges facing the evidence-informed policy movement
J Bowers, PF Testa
Annual Review of Political Science 22 (1), 521-542, 2019
No evidence that collective-good appeals best promote COVID-related health behaviors
N Rabb, D Glick, A Houston, J Bowers, D Yokum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (14), e2100662118, 2021
Maps in people’s heads: Assessing a new measure of context
C Wong, J Bowers, D Rubenson, M Fredrickson, A Rundlett
Political Science Research and Methods 8 (1), 160-168, 2020
The future of election studies
MN Franklin, C Wlezien
(No Title), 2002
Explanation, prediction, and causality: Three sides of the same coin?
DJ Watts, ED Beck, EJ Bienenstock, J Bowers, A Frank, A Grubesic, ...
OSF Preprints, 2018
Cambridge handbook of experimental political science
R McDermott, JN Druckman, DP Green, JH Kuklinski, A Lupia
Cambridge University Press,, 2011
Models, methods and network topology: Experimental design for the study of interference
J Bowers, BA Desmarais, M Frederickson, N Ichino, HW Lee, S Wang
Social Networks 54, 196-208, 2018
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Articles 1–20