Dr. Leonardo A. Bautista-Gomez
Dr. Leonardo A. Bautista-Gomez
MigaLabs / Codex
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FTI: High performance fault tolerance interface for hybrid systems
L Bautista-Gomez, S Tsuboi, D Komatitsch, F Cappello, N Maruyama, ...
Proceedings of 2011 international conference for high performance computing …, 2011
Optimization of multi-level checkpoint model for large scale HPC applications
S Di, MS Bouguerra, L Bautista-Gomez, F Cappello
2014 IEEE 28th international parallel and distributed processing symposium …, 2014
Lightweight silent data corruption detection based on runtime data analysis for HPC applications
E Berrocal, L Bautista-Gomez, S Di, Z Lan, F Cappello
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2015
Unprotected computing: A large-scale study of dram raw error rate on a supercomputer
L Bautista-Gomez, F Zyulkyarov, O Unsal, S McIntosh-Smith
SC'16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2016
GPGPUs: How to combine high computational power with high reliability
LB Gomez, F Cappello, L Carro, N DeBardeleben, B Fang, S Gurumurthi, ...
2014 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1-9, 2014
Improving the computing efficiency of HPC systems using a combination of proactive and preventive checkpointing
MS Bouguerra, A Gainaru, LB Gomez, F Cappello, S Matsuoka, ...
2013 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2013
Distributed diskless checkpoint for large scale systems
LAB Gomez, N Maruyama, F Cappello, S Matsuoka
2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2010
Detecting and correcting data corruption in stencil applications through multivariate interpolation
L Bautista-Gomez, F Cappello
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 595-602, 2015
Reducing waste in extreme scale systems through introspective analysis
L Bautista-Gomez, A Gainaru, S Perarnau, D Tiwari, S Gupta, ...
2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2016
Low-overhead diskless checkpoint for hybrid computing systems
LB Gomez, A Nukada, N Maruyama, F Cappello, S Matsuoka
2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing, 1-10, 2010
Improving floating point compression through binary masks
LAB Gomez, F Cappello
2013 IEEE international conference on big data, 326-331, 2013
A study of checkpointing in large scale training of deep neural networks
E Rojas, AN Kahira, E Meneses, LB Gomez, RM Badia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.00825, 2020
Resource analysis of Ethereum 2.0 clients
M Cortes-Goicoechea, L Franceschini, L Bautista-Gomez
2021 3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative …, 2021
Optimization of a multilevel checkpoint model with uncertain execution scales
S Di, L Bautista-Gome, F Cappello
SC'14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2014
Spatial support vector regression to detect silent errors in the exascale era
O Subasi, S Di, L Bautista-Gomez, P Balaprakash, O Unsal, J Labarta, ...
2016 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2016
Exploiting spatial smoothness in HPC applications to detect silent data corruption
L Bautista-Gomez, F Cappello
2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2015
Checkpoint restart support for heterogeneous hpc applications
K Parasyris, K Keller, L Bautista-Gomez, O Unsal
2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2020
Adaptive performance-constrained in situ visualization of atmospheric simulations
M Dorier, R Sisneros, LB Gomez, T Peterka, L Orf, L Rahmani, G Antoniu, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 269-278, 2016
Exploring the capabilities of support vector machines in detecting silent data corruptions
O Subasi, S Di, L Bautista-Gomez, P Balaprakash, O Unsal, J Labarta, ...
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 19, 277-290, 2018
Detecting silent data corruption for extreme-scale MPI applications
L Bautista-Gomez, F Cappello
Proceedings of the 22nd European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 1-10, 2015
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Articles 1–20