Pornchai Supnithi
Cited by
Cited by
Duskside enhancement of equatorial zonal electric field response to convection electric fields during the St. Patrick's Day storm on 17 March 2015
S Tulasi Ram, T Yokoyama, Y Otsuka, K Shiokawa, S Sripathi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (1), 538-548, 2016
TEC prediction with neural network for equatorial latitude station in Thailand
K Watthanasangmechai, P Supnithi, S Lerkvaranyu, T Tsugawa, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 64, 473-483, 2012
Comparison of GPS TEC measurements with IRI TEC prediction at the equatorial latitude station, Chumphon, Thailand
P Kenpankho, K Watthanasangmechai, P Supnithi, T Tsugawa, ...
Earth, planets and space 63, 365-370, 2011
Total electron content observations by dense regional and worldwide international networks of GNSS
T Tsugawa, M Nishioka, M Ishii, K Hozumi, S Saito, A Shinbori, Y Otsuka, ...
Journal of Disaster Research 13 (3), 535-545, 2018
Conjugate hemisphere ionospheric response to the St. Patrick's Day storms of 2013 and 2015 in the 100° E longitude sector
BR Kalita, R Hazarika, G Kakoti, PK Bhuyan, D Chakrabarty, GK Seemala, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (11), 11,364-11,390, 2016
On post‐midnight field‐aligned irregularities observed with a 30.8‐MHz radar at a low latitude: Comparison withF‐layer altitude near the geomagnetic equator
M Nishioka, Y Otsuka, K Shiokawa, T Tsugawa, null Effendy, P Supnithi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A8), 2012
Performance of Digital Modulation in Double Nakagami-m Fading Channels with MRC Diversity
W Wongtrairat, P Supnithi
IEICE transactions on communications 92 (2), 559-566, 2009
Comparison of ionosphere characteristic parameters obtained by ionosonde with IRI-2007 model over Southeast Asia
N Wichaipanich, P Supnithi, T Tsugawa, T Maruyama, T Nagatsuma
Advances in Space Research 52 (10), 1748-1755, 2013
Ionospheric delay gradient monitoring for GBAS by GPS stations near Suvarnabhumi airport, Thailand
S Rungraengwajiake, P Supnithi, S Saito, N Siansawasdi, A Saekow
Radio Science 50 (10), 1076-1085, 2015
A comparison of neural network-based predictions of foF2 with the IRI-2012 model at conjugate points in Southeast Asia
N Wichaipanich, K Hozumi, P Supnithi, T Tsugawa
Advances in Space Research 59 (12), 2934-2950, 2017
Comparison of observed TEC values with IRI-2007 TEC and IRI-2007 TEC with optional foF2 measurements predictions at an equatorial region, Chumphon, Thailand
P Kenpankho, P Supnithi, T Nagatsuma
Advances in Space Research 52 (10), 1820-1826, 2013
Low-latitude equinoctial spread-F occurrence at different longitude sectors under low solar activity
M Pezzopane, E Zuccheretti, P Abadi, AJ De Abreu, R De Jesus, ...
Annales Geophysicae 31 (2), 153-162, 2013
An inter-track interference mitigation technique using partial ITI estimation in patterned media storage
LMM Myint, P Supnithi, P Tantaswadi
IEEE transactions on magnetics 45 (10), 3691-3694, 2009
Equatorial and low‐latitude ionospheric response to the 17–18 March 2015 great storm over Southeast Asia longitude sector
C Jiang, G Yang, J Liu, T Yokoyama, T Liu, T Lan, C Zhou, Y Zhang, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (5), 5756-5767, 2017
Variation of ionospheric slab thickness observations at Chumphon equatorial magnetic location
P Kenpankho, P Supnithi, T Tsugawa, T Maruyama
Earth, planets and space 63, 359-364, 2011
EXIT chart analysis of nonbinary protograph LDPC codes for partial response channels
W Phakphisut, P Supnithi, N Puttarak
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50 (11), 1-4, 2014
Ionospheric variation at Thailand equatorial latitude station: Comparison between observations and IRI-2001 model predictions
N Wichaipanich, P Supnithi, M Ishii, T Maruyama
Advances in space research 45 (2), 284-293, 2010
Rain Attenuation of Satellite link in Ku-band at Bangkok
T Boonchuk, N Hemmakorn, P Supnithi, M Iida, K Tanaka, K Igarashi, ...
2005 5th International Conference on Information Communications & Signal …, 2005
Latitudinal variation of the specific local time of postmidnight enhancement peaks in F layer electron density at low latitudes: A case study
C Jiang, C Deng, G Yang, J Liu, P Zhu, T Yokoyama, H Song, T Lan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (4), 3476-3483, 2016
The variation of equatorial spread-F occurrences observed by ionosondes at Thailand longitude sector
S Rungraengwajiake, P Supnithi, T Tsugawa, T Maruyama, T Nagatsuma
Advances in Space Research 52 (10), 1809-1819, 2013
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Articles 1–20