Joshua R. Gubler
Joshua R. Gubler
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Brigham Young University
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Cited by
Out of one, many: Using language models to simulate human samples
LP Argyle, EC Busby, N Fulda, JR Gubler, C Rytting, D Wingate
Political Analysis 31 (3), 337-351, 2023
Horizontal Inequality, Crosscutting Cleavages, and Civil War
JR Gubler, JS Selway
Journal of Conflict Resolution 56 (2), 206-232, 2012
Framing and blame attribution in populist rhetoric
EC Busby, JR Gubler, KA Hawkins
The Journal of Politics 81 (2), 616-630, 2019
Leveraging AI for democratic discourse: Chat interventions can improve online political conversations at scale
LP Argyle, CA Bail, EC Busby, JR Gubler, T Howe, C Rytting, T Sorensen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (41), e2311627120, 2023
Reproduction of Hierarchy? A Social Network Analysis of the American Law Professoriate
D Katz, JR Gubler, J Zelner, M Bommarito, E Provins, E Ingall
Journal of Legal Education 61 (1), 76-103, 2011
Humanizing the outgroup in contexts of protracted intergroup conflict
JR Gubler, E Halperin, G Hirschberger
Journal of Experimental Political Science 2 (1), 36-46, 2015
Toward conflict or compromise? How violent metaphors polarize partisan issue attitudes
NP Kalmoe, JR Gubler, DA Wood
Political Communication 35 (3), 333-352, 2018
Violence, aggression, and ethics: The link between exposure to human violence and unethical behavior
JR Gubler, S Herrick, RA Price, DA Wood
Journal of Business Ethics 147, 25-34, 2018
Does the state promote communal violence for electoral reasons?
A Varshney, JR Gubler
India Review 11 (3), 191-199, 2012
When Humanizing the Enemy Fails
JR Gubler
Them’s fightin’words: The effects of violent rhetoric on ethical decision making in business
JR Gubler, NP Kalmoe, DA Wood
Journal of business ethics 130, 705-716, 2015
Violent rhetoric in protracted group conflicts: Experimental evidence from Israel and India
JR Gubler, NP Kalmoe
Political Research Quarterly 68 (4), 651-664, 2015
The State and Civil Society in Communal Violence: Sparks and Fires
A Varshney, J Gubler
Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics, 155-166, 2013
Towards coding social science datasets with language models
CM Rytting, T Sorensen, L Argyle, E Busby, N Fulda, J Gubler, D Wingate
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.02177, 2023
Changing hearts and minds? Why media messages designed to foster empathy often fail
JR Gubler, CF Karpowitz, JQ Monson, DA Romney, M South
The Journal of Politics 84 (4), 2156-2171, 2022
Motives don't matter? Motive attribution and counterterrorism policy
D Canetti, J Gubler, T Zeitzoff
Political Psychology 42 (3), 483-499, 2021
Considering the political consequences of comparative politics experiments
JR Gubler, JS Selway
Ethics and Experiments, 171-182, 2015
Crosscutting cleavages and ethno-communal violence: Evidence from Indonesia in the post-Suharto era
JR Gubler, JS Selway, A Varshney
WIDER Working Paper, 2016
Speaking populism: A framing experiment to test the activation of populist attitudes
EC Busby, K Hawkins, JR Gubler
Using Large Language Models to Compare Persuasive Strategies
EC Busby, J Gubler, L Argyle, D Wingate
OSF, 2024
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Articles 1–20