Jiyong Lee
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Cited by
Experimental investigation of three‐dimensional flow structure and turbulent flow mechanisms around a nonsubmerged spur dike with a low length‐to‐depth ratio
J Jeon, JY Lee, S Kang
Water Resources Research 54 (5), 3530-3556, 2018
Experimental study of the wake characteristics of an axial flow hydrokinetic turbine at different tip speed ratios
J Lee, Y Kim, A Khosronejad, S Kang
Ocean Engineering 196, 106777, 2020
Wake interactions of two horizontal axis tidal turbines in tandem
SK Kang, Y Kim, J Lee, A Khosronejad, X Yang
Ocean Engineering 254, 111331, 2022
Scale‐dependent bedform migration and deformation in the physical and spectral domains
J Lee, M Musa, M Guala
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126 (5), e2020JF005811, 2021
Large-eddy simulation and Co-Design strategy for a drag-type vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine in open channel flows
J Gao, H Liu, J Lee, Y Zheng, M Guala, L Shen
Renewable Energy 181, 1305-1316, 2022
Increasing risks of extreme salt intrusion events across European estuaries in a warming climate
J Lee, B Biemond, H de Swart, HA Dijkstra
Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 60, 2024
Reconstructing sediment transport by migrating bedforms in the physical and spectral domains
J Lee, A Singh, M Guala
Water Resources Research 58 (7), e2022WR031934, 2022
Wake characteristics and power performance of a drag-driven in-bank vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine
J Lee, M Musa, C Feist, J Gao, L Shen, M Guala
Energies 12 (19), 3611, 2019
Flume experiments for studying the effects of submergence on three-dimensional flow structure around a spur dike
J Lee, J Jeon, Y Kim, S Kang
Journal of Korea Water Resources Association 51 (2), 109-120, 2018
Experimental and numerical study on the flow characteristics around spur dikes at different length-to-depth ratios
SK Kang, J Lee, Y Kim, A Khosronejad
Advances in Water Resources 175, 104428, 2023
Explaining the Statistical Properties of Salt Intrusion in Estuaries Using a Stochastic Dynamical Modeling Approach
HA Dijkstra, B Biemond, J Lee, HE de Swart
Water Resources Research 59 (7), e2023WR034454, 2023
On the scaling and growth limit of fluvial dunes
J Lee, A Singh, M Guala
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (6), e2022JF006955, 2023
On Sediment Mass Flux Directionality Induced by Yawed Permeable Vanes under Near-Critical Mobility Conditions
J Lee, J Marr, M Guala
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 148 (10), 04022019, 2022
Experimental Tests of Lateral Bedload Transport Induced by a Yawed Submerged Vane Array in Open-Channel Flows
CY Tseng, J Lee, M Guala, M Musa
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 150 (6), 04024045, 2024
Stochastic properties and statistics of salt intrusion in estuaries in a warming climate
J Lee, B Biemond, H de Swart, H Dijkstra
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-4696, 2023
A bedform tracking tool coupled with Fast Fourier Transform decomposition
J Lee, M Musa, M Guala
Kinematics and mass flux contribution of migrating multi-scale bedforms
J Lee, M Musa, M Guala
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, SY055-04, 2020
Scour, Deposit and Mass Flux Directionality Induced by a Vertical Yawed Permeable Wall
J Lee, M Guala, Turbulent Boundary Layer plus research Team
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, U06. 008, 2020
Quantification of Bedform Characteristics Using Particle Image Velocimetry Technique and Bedform Tracking Method
J Lee, M Musa, M Guala
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, EP51E-2153, 2019
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Articles 1–19