Claudio Landim Landim
Claudio Landim Landim
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Scaling limits of interacting particle systems
C Kipnis, C Landim
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Macroscopic fluctuation theory
L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Reviews of Modern Physics 87 (2), 593-636, 2015
Macroscopic fluctuation theory for stationary non-equilibrium states
L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Journal of Statistical Physics 107, 635-675, 2002
Fluctuations in stationary nonequilibrium states of irreversible processes
L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Physical Review Letters 87 (4), 040601, 2001
Fluctuations in Markov processes: time symmetry and martingale approximation
T Komorowski, C Landim, S Olla
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Current fluctuations in stochastic lattice gases
L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Physical review letters 94 (3), 030601, 2005
Non equilibrium current fluctuations in stochastic lattice gases
L Bertini, AD Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Journal of statistical physics 123, 237-276, 2006
Stochastic interacting particle systems out of equilibrium
L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (07), P07014, 2007
Tunneling and metastability of continuous time Markov chains
J Beltran, C Landim
Journal of Statistical Physics 140, 1065-1114, 2010
Towards a nonequilibrium thermodynamics: a self-contained macroscopic description of driven diffusive systems
L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Journal of Statistical Physics 135, 857-872, 2009
Large deviations for the boundary driven symmetric simple exclusion process
L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio, C Landim
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 6, 231-267, 2003
Driven tracer particle in one dimensional symmetric simple exclusion
C Landim, S Olla, SB Volchan
Communications in mathematical physics 192, 287-307, 1998
Metastability of reversible condensed zero range processes on a finite set
J Beltran, C Landim
Probability Theory and Related Fields 152 (3), 781-807, 2012
Tunneling and metastability of continuous time Markov chains II, the nonreversible case
J Beltrán, C Landim
Journal of Statistical Physics 149, 598-618, 2012
Fluctuation–dissipation equation of asymmetric simple exclusion processes
C Landim, HT Yau
Probability theory and related fields 108, 321-356, 1997
A Dirichlet principle for non reversible Markov chains and some recurrence theorems
A Gaudilliere, C Landim
Probability Theory and Related Fields 158, 55-89, 2014
Asymmetric conservative processes with random rates
I Benjamini, PA Ferrari, C Landim
Stochastic processes and their applications 61 (2), 181-204, 1996
Nonequilibrium central limit theorem for a tagged particle in symmetric simple exclusion
MD Jara, C Landim
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 42 (5), 567-577, 2006
Spectral gap for zero-range dynamics
C Landim, S Sethuraman, S Varadhan
The Annals of Probability, 1871-1902, 1996
Poisson trees, succession lines and coalescing random walks
PA Ferrari, C Landim, H Thorisson
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 40 (2), 141-152, 2004
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Articles 1–20