Matthias Stangl
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Shutting down sensorimotor interference unblocks the networks for stimulus processing: An SMR neurofeedback training study
SE Kober, M Witte, M Stangl, A Väljamäe, C Neuper, G Wood
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (1), 82-95, 2015
Neural substrates of cognitive control under the belief of getting neurofeedback training
M Ninaus, SE Kober, M Witte, K Koschutnig, M Stangl, C Neuper, G Wood
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 914, 2013
Near-infrared spectroscopy based neurofeedback training increases specific motor imagery related cortical activation compared to sham feedback
SE Kober, G Wood, J Kurzmann, EVC Friedrich, M Stangl, T Wippel, ...
Biological psychology 95, 21-30, 2014
Compromised grid-cell-like representations in old age as a key mechanism to explain age-related navigational deficits
M Stangl, J Achtzehn, K Huber, C Dietrich, C Tempelmann, T Wolbers
Current Biology 28 (7), 1108-1115. e6, 2018
Boundary-anchored neural mechanisms of location-encoding for self and others
M Stangl, U Topalovic, CS Inman, S Hiller, D Villaroman, ZM Aghajan, ...
Nature 589 (7842), 420-425, 2021
Wireless programmable recording and stimulation of deep brain activity in freely moving humans
U Topalovic, ZM Aghajan, D Villaroman, S Hiller, L Christov-Moore, ...
Neuron 108 (2), 322-334. e9, 2020
Changes in pattern completion–a key mechanism to explain age-related recognition memory deficits?
P Vieweg, M Stangl, LR Howard, T Wolbers
Cortex 64, 343-351, 2015
Mobile cognition: imaging the human brain in the ‘real world’
M Stangl, SL Maoz, N Suthana
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 24, 347-362, 2023
Sources of path integration error in young and aging humans
M Stangl, I Kanitscheider, M Riemer, I Fiete, T Wolbers
Nature communications 11 (1), 2626, 2020
A wearable platform for closed-loop stimulation and recording of single-neuron and local field potential activity in freely moving humans
U Topalovic, S Barclay, C Ling, A Alzuhair, W Yu, V Hokhikyan, ...
Nature neuroscience 26 (3), 517-527, 2023
A haemodynamic brain-computer interface based on real-time classification of near infrared spectroscopy signals during motor imagery and mental arithmetic
M Stangl, G Bauernfeind, J Kurzmann, R Scherer, C Neuper
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 21 (3), 157-171, 2013
Sequential effects in continued visual search: Using fixation‐related potentials to compare distractor processing before and after target detection
C Körner, V Braunstein, M Stangl, A Schlögl, C Neuper, A Ischebeck
Psychophysiology 51 (4), 385-395, 2014
The GridCAT: a toolbox for automated analysis of human grid cell codes in fMRI
M Stangl, J Shine, T Wolbers
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 11, 47, 2017
A pilot study of closed-loop neuromodulation for treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder
JL Gill, JA Schneiders, M Stangl, ZM Aghajan, M Vallejo, S Hiller, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 2997, 2023
Path integration selectively predicts midlife risk of Alzheimer’s disease
C Newton, M Pope, C Rua, R Henson, Z Ji, N Burgess, CT Rodgers, ...
bioRxiv, 2023
Dynamic neural representations of memory and space during human ambulatory navigation
SLL Maoz, M Stangl, U Topalovic, D Batista, S Hiller, ZM Aghajan, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 6643, 2023
Entorhinal grid-like codes and time-locked network dynamics track others navigating through space
IC Wagner, LP Graichen, B Todorova, A Lüttig, DB Omer, M Stangl, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 231, 2023
Population-level analysis of human grid cell activation
M Stangl, T Wolbers, JP Shine
Spatial Learning and Attention Guidance, 257-279, 2020
Entorhinal‐based path integration selectively predicts midlife risk of Alzheimer's disease
C Newton, M Pope, C Rua, R Henson, Z Ji, N Burgess, CT Rodgers, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 20 (4), 2779-2793, 2024
The Future of iEEG: What Are the Promises and Challenges of Mobile iEEG Recordings?
SL Maoz, M Stangl, U Topalovic, N Suthana
Intracranial EEG: A Guide for Cognitive Neuroscientists, 891-906, 2023
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Articles 1–20