Ute Abraham
Ute Abraham
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A circadian clock in macrophages controls inflammatory immune responses
M Keller, J Mazuch, U Abraham, GD Eom, ED Herzog, HD Volk, A Kramer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (50), 21407-21412, 2009
Coupling governs entrainment range of circadian clocks
U Abraham, AE Granada, PO Westermark, M Heine, A Kramer, H Herzel
Molecular systems biology 6 (1), 438, 2010
The suprachiasmatic nucleus entrains, but does not sustain, circadian rhythmicity in the olfactory bulb
D Granados-Fuentes, LM Prolo, U Abraham, ED Herzog
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (3), 615-619, 2004
Independent circadian oscillations of Period1 in specific brain areas in vivo and in vitro
U Abraham, JL Prior, D Granados-Fuentes, DR Piwnica-Worms, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (38), 8620-8626, 2005
Tuning the phase of circadian entrainment
G Bordyugov, U Abraham, A Granada, P Rose, K Imkeller, A Kramer, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (108), 20150282, 2015
Photoperiodic information acquired and stored in vivo is retained in vitro by a circadian oscillator, the avian pineal gland
R Brandstätter, V Kumar, U Abraham, E Gwinner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (22), 12324-12328, 2000
Spatial and temporal variation of passer Per2 gene expression in two distinct cell groups of the suprachiasmatic hypothalamus in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
U Abraham, U Albrecht, E Gwinner, R BrandstaÈtter
European Journal of Neuroscience 16 (3), 429-436, 2002
Initial demonstration of rhythmic Per gene expression in the hypothalamus of a non-mammalian vertebrate, the house sparrow
R Brandstätter, U Abraham, U Albrecht
Neuroreport 12 (6), 1167-1170, 2001
Hypothalamic circadian organization in birds. II. Clock gene expression
U Abraham, U Albrecht, R Brandstätter
Chronobiology international 20 (4), 657-669, 2003
Continuous delivery of D-luciferin by implanted micro-osmotic pumps enables true real-time bioluminescence imaging of luciferase activity in vivo
S Gross, U Abraham, JL Prior, ED Herzog, D Piwnica-Worms
Molecular Imaging 6 (2), 7290.2007. 00009, 2007
Hypothalamic circadian organization in birds. I. Anatomy, functional morphology, and terminology of the suprachiasmatic region
R Brandstätter, U Abraham
Chronobiology international 20 (4), 637-655, 2003
Bioluminescence imaging of period1 gene expression in utero
MT Saxena, SJ Aton, C Hildebolt, JL Prior, U Abraham, D Piwnica-Worms, ...
Molecular imaging 6 (1), 7290.2007. 00003, 2007
Exogenous Melatonin Reduces the Resynchronization Time after Phase Shifts of a Nonphotic Zeitgeber in the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
U Abraham, E Gwinner, TJ Van't Hof
Journal of Biological Rhythms 15 (1), 48-56, 2000
Tick-tock hedgehog-mutual crosstalk with liver circadian clock promotes liver steatosis
E Marbach-Breitrück, M Matz-Soja, U Abraham, W Schmidt-Heck, S Sales, ...
Journal of hepatology 70 (6), 1192-1202, 2019
Odor is a time cue for circadian behavior
U Abraham, M Saleh, A Kramer
Journal of Biological Rhythms 28 (1), 26-37, 2013
Quantitative analysis of circadian single cell oscillations in response to temperature
U Abraham, JK Schlichting, A Kramer, H Herzel
PloS one 13 (1), e0190004, 2018
Annual change in insulin sensitivity
F Isken, U Abraham, MO Weickert, F Keyhani-Nejad, AM Arafat, ...
Hormone and metabolic research 43 (10), 720-722, 2011
Genome-wide screen reveals rhythmic regulation of genes involved in odor processing in the olfactory epithelium
M Saleh, K Jürchott, S Oberland, EM Neuhaus, A Kramer, U Abraham
Journal of Biological Rhythms 30 (6), 506-518, 2015
Information transfer in the mammalian circadian clock
AE Granada, H Herzel, A Kramer, U Abraham
Information-and communication theory in molecular biology, 247-257, 2018
Molecular and neurochemical characterization of the hypothalamic circadian oscillator in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
U Abraham
na, 2002
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Articles 1–20