Hunter Snyder
Hunter Snyder
Thayer School of Engineering
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Promoting gender equity and equality through the small-scale fisheries guidelines: experiences from multiple case studies
D Kleiber, K Frangoudes, HT Snyder, A Choudhury, SM Cole, K Soejima, ...
The small-scale fisheries guidelines: global implementation, 737-759, 2017
On inter-organizational trust, control and risk in transboundary fisheries governance
GM Hickey, HT Snyder, JR deVries, O Temby
Marine Policy 134, 104772, 2021
Fishery observers address arctic fishery discards
HT Snyder, JT Erbaugh
Environmental Research Letters 15 (9), 0940c4, 2020
Interdependency of subsistence and market economies in the Arctic
D Holen, D Gerkey, E Høydahl, D Natcher, MR Nielsen, B Poppel, ...
The Economy of the North, 89-126, 2015
Towards gender inclusivity and equality in small-scale fisheries
S Harper, D Kleiber, S Appiah, M Atkins, K Bradford, A Choudhury, ...
Illuminating Hidden Harvests – The contributions of small-scale fisheries to …, 2023
The Arctic as a “hotspot” for natural resource extraction and global warming
HTS Birger Poppel, Mads Fægteborg, Mia Olsen Siegstad
The Economy of the North 2015 1, 129-135, 2017
Modeling a sustainable energy transition in northern Greenland: Qaanaaq case study
A Pantaleo, MR Albert, HT Snyder, S Doig, T Oshima, NE Hagelqvist
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 54, 102774, 2022
Pernicious harmony: Greenland and the small-scale fisheries guidelines
HT Snyder, RB Jacobsen, A Delaney
The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation, 95-114, 2017
Leviathan A film by Lucien Castaing‐Taylor and Véréna Paravel, 2012, 87 minutes, DCP, 1.85: 1, Dolby 5.1. Distributed by The Cinema Guild, Inc., 115 West 30th Street, Suite 800 …
H Snyder
Visual Anthropology Review 29 (2), 176-179, 2013
& Porter, M.(2017). Promoting gender equity and equality through the small-scale fisheries guidelines: experiences from multiple case studies
D Kleiber, K Frangoudes, HT Snyder, A Choudhury, SM Cole, K Soejima, ...
The small-scale fisheries guidelines, 737-759, 0
How cybernetics explains institutional failure: A case of Greenland's open-air fish markets
AMS Hunter T. Snyder, Natuk Lund Olsen
Marine Policy, 2020
The importance of hunting and small-scale fishing in Greenland
MR Nielsen, H Meilby, B Poppel, PL Pedersen, JG Andresen, ...
The Economy of the North 2015, 118-119, 2017
Deterrents and nudges improve compliance in Greenland's Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fishery
HT Snyder, ME Cox, S Bork Hansen, C Connors, S Eckstein
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (8), 2809-2817, 2021
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) value shifts and crashes at Greenland
HT Snyder
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2018
On Visual Technology, Media Archives, and Anthropological Curiosity: An Interview with Alan Macfarlane, Life Fellow of King's College, University of Cambridge
A Macfarlane, H Snyder
American Anthropologist 116 (4), 850-858, 2014
Attitudes and behaviors for understanding compliance in Greenland's Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fishery
HT Snyder, R Oyanedel, CS Sneddon, AM Scheld
Conservation Science and Practice 4 (11), e12775, 2022
Are Greenland’s inshore halibut fishers ready for individual transferable quotas?
HT Snyder, S Stone, M Albert, C Polashenski
Marine Policy 159, 105932, 2024
The challenge of defining small-scale fisheries: determining scale of operation by identifying general fisheries characteristics
SF Smith, X Basurto, NL Gutierrez, H Snyder
Illuminating Hidden Harvests – The contributions of small-scale fisheries to …, 2023
Energy, Fisheries and Empowerment in Northwest Greenland Fishing Villages
MR Albert, T Oshima, SJ Doig, T Oddleifson, S Oster, A Pantaleo, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, OS46A-06, 2022
Modeling a Sustainable Energy Transition in Northern Greenland
A Pantaleo, M Albert, H Snyder, S Doig, T Oshima, NE Hagelqvist
Available at SSRN 4112189, 2022
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Articles 1–20