chester spell
chester spell
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Cited by
A meta-analytical integration of over 40 years of research on diversity training evaluation.
K Bezrukova, CS Spell, JL Perry, KA Jehn
Psychological bulletin 142 (11), 1227, 2016
Reviewing diversity training: Where we have been and where we should go
K Bezrukova, KA Jehn, CS Spell
Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (2), 207-227, 2012
Correlates and consequences of high involvement work practices: the role of competitive strategy
JP Guthrie, CS Spell, RO Nyamori
International journal of human resource management 13 (1), 183-197, 2002
A multi-level analysis of organizational justice climate, structure, and employee mental health
CS Spell, TJ Arnold
Journal of Management 33 (5), 724-751, 2007
Programme knowledge and value of work-family practices and organizational commitment
JM Haar, CS Spell
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15 (6), 1040-1055, 2004
The effects of alignments: Examining group faultlines, organizational cultures, and performance.
K Bezrukova, S Thatcher, KA Jehn, CS Spell
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (1), 77, 2012
How does distributive justice affect work attitudes? The moderating effects of autonomy
JM Haar, CS Spell
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 20 (8), 1827-1842, 2009
Management fashions: where do they come from, and are they old wine in new bottles?
CS Spell
Journal of Management Inquiry 10 (4), 358-373, 2001
Factors for new franchise success
S Shane, C Spell
MIT Sloan Management Review, 1998
An appraisal perspective of justice, structure, and job control as antecedents of psychological distress
CS Spell, T Arnold
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2007
The relationship between justice and benefits satisfaction
T Arnold, CS Spell
Journal of Business and Psychology 20, 599-620, 2006
Violent splits or healthy divides? Coping with injustice through faultlines
K Bezrukova, CS Spell, JL Perry
Personnel Psychology 63 (3), 719-751, 2010
Where do management fashions come from, and how long do they stay?
CS Spell
Journal of Management History 5 (6), 334-348, 1999
A multilevel perspective on faultlines: Differentiating the effects between group-and organizational-level faultlines.
K Bezrukova, CS Spell, D Caldwell, JM Burger
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (1), 86, 2016
Adoption of workplace substance abuse prevention programs: Strategic choice and institutional perspectives
CS Spell, TC Blum
Academy of management journal 48 (6), 1125-1142, 2005
Predicting total quality management adoption in New Zealand: The moderating effect of organisational size
JM Haar, CS Spell
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 21 (2), 162-178, 2008
Where is the justice? Examining work-family backlash in New Zealand: The potential for employee resentment
J Haar, CS Spell
New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations 28 (1), 59-74, 2003
Faultlines, fairness, and fighting: A justice perspective on conflict in diverse groups
CS Spell, K Bezrukova, J Haar, C Spell
Small Group Research 42 (3), 309-340, 2011
Organizational technologies and human resource management
CS Spell
Human Relations 54 (2), 193-213, 2001
Getting ahead: organizational practices that set boundaries around mobility patterns
CS Spell, TC Blum
Journal of Organizational Behavior 21 (3), 299-314, 2000
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Articles 1–20